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Harvard Business Publishing Education

Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics together with Católica Porto School of Business have recently entered into a collaboration agreement with Harvard Business Publishing Education (HBP) to provide our community with wider access to their cases and simulations.

This page outlines the steps for registering on the HBP website (if you do not already have an Educator account), selecting resources such as cases and simulations, and granting access to your students or participants.

Please note that students/participants will have free access to resources, but CATÓLICA-LISBON has a usage limit. As such, we kindly ask you to be selective when choosing cases and resources for your courses. Only select cases and resources that will add value to the students/participants' learning experience.

For your reference, the following are the limits:

  • For UG, MSc, and Executive Masters programs:
    • Trimester courses: Maximum of 2 cases
    • Semester courses: Maximum of 4 cases
  • For Executive Education programs:
    • Maximum of 2 cases per module (if a simulation is used, cases should not be used for that module)

Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you plan to use more cases than the specified limits or if you have any difficulties, please contact the Learning Innovation Office (

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Option 1 (Recommended) 

Access the Harvard Business Publishing website ( and create an account by clicking on Register [1] and selecting Educator [2].  

Fill in all the mandatory fields [3] making sure that you type Catholic University of Portugal in the field University where you currently teach [4] and then click on Continue to Verification Step [5]

By clicking Continue to Verification Step, you will receive on your email inbox a message to validate that you are a faculty member at Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics and a request to submit an official document with that status [6]. DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THIS EMAIL or any automatically generated follow-up emails. Instead, forward it to Sergio Klecker will validate the request and then your account will be activated within 2 working days. 

Option 2 (Slower) 

Another alternative is to fill in this form and then the Learning Innovation Office will register you on the HBP website. As soon as this is done, you will receive a confirmation email.  


If you already have an account on the HBP website, please consider the information below to select resources and share them with your students and participants.  

First, you need to sign into your account.  

Then, you can search the HBP catalog for the resources you want to use in your course. Either using the search bar [1] or selecting from Disciplines or Content Types [2]

List all the resources you want to use per course/module by filling in this form.   

For each program, we have a specific staff member that will validate your coursepack(s): 

  • for Undergraduate programs - Salomé Silva (
  • for Master of Science programs - Salomé Silva (
  • for Executive Masters - Vanda Páscoa (
  • for Executive Education - Marisa Rodrigues (


Once your list is validated, one of the staff members will send you the link to the coursepack(s) so you can share it with your students and participants via Moodle, Canvas, Academy (Open EdX), or Teams.  

If you have any questions about the process of setting up an account or how to provide all the information on the resources listing form [link] please email the Learning Innovation Office at