Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon is a vehicle of dissemination for the scientific knowledge of excellence, produced in the school, with real impact on society.

The chosen themes lead-off several initiatives that will bring together students and alumni, the academic and business worlds, the State and society.

In an inspiring analysis of the national and international economic outlook, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics challenges its stakeholders to talk about their expectations and their concerns for the future.

Under a premise of sharing, in several moments throughout the year, we will identify, analyze and debate the hot topics of the moment. And as a result, we will raise awareness, guide and encourage economic, social and political leaders to make informed and thoughtful decisions on the best ways to overcome the challenges that we are facing.

We want to innovate, we want to create an impact, we want to be part of the solutions and go further. 

Join us in building a promising future for all of us!

With the pandemic and the fact that we were all forced to go behind the screens, we used this initiative to go digital and Stand U N I T E D with all our community, wherever they are in the world.

It brought us together as never before! As always, but now only at a clicks’ distance, CATÓLICA-LISBON is shedding some light on the major topics of the moment. Stay tuned and if you lost any of our conferences, you can watch them here whenever you want.

Live Series

keyboard_arrow_up 2019
keyboard_arrow_up # 7 | Center for Responsible Business & Leadership

Launch of the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership


Professor Filipe Santos, Dean of Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics inaugurated the 7th edition of Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon where we celebrated the launch of the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership (CRB).

The event took place on June 27th, at 18pm, at CATÓLICA-LISBON’s Auditorium 511, under the theme "Responsible Business: now is the time".

Our keynote speaker – Steven Serneels, CEO of the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), presented the rationale, business practices and latest trends in how companies are bringing social responsibility to the core of strategy, aligning business goals with societal progress. This was a unique opportunity to learn and discuss how Purpose is becoming a driving focus for business strategy and corporate action.

At the event, Nuno Moreira da Cruz, Executive Director of the new Center for Responsible Business & Leadership, presented the Center, its purpose and action plan. He also engaged corporate leaders such as Pedro Oliveira (CEO of BP Portugal) and Ângelo Ramalho (CEO of Efacec), and also Masters students to discuss what society expects of corporations, and how businesses can fulfill those expectations, while strengthening their competitiveness.

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Photo Report, Conference Program.


keyboard_arrow_up #6 | Fintech: The Future of Banking

The financial sector is changing at a pace never seen before as a result of accelerated technological disruption, a change in consumer behavior and the emergence of new competitors, which are increasingly becoming a serious threat to incumbent banks.

The technology has contributed to an unstoppable digitalization of this sector, especially with the massive adoption of the smartphone that definitively placed the branch at the Client’s hands. The resulting digital transformation is now only taking its first steps, but already with a wide-range impact on all entities in the financial sector.

Consumer behaviour has also changed greatly due to the new technologies, reducing the asymmetry of information between the Customer and the Bank, thus increasing its level of demand and eliminating national borders. All of this is having as a consequence a reduction in customer loyalty and a profound structural change in the competitive environment in all its dimensions.

The branches were thus no longer a barrier to entry and allowed new, more specialized competitors, with a greater focus on consumer experience and at lower costs, to emerge in large numbers, testing new ideas, with perishing, but with some becoming a real threat to all incumbents.

The incumbent Banks are naturally reacting, becoming even more digital to increase the level of service as the expectations of their customers evolve and also to lower their costs. We have witnessed the emergence of partnerships with Fintechs and also the closure of 1400 branches in Portugal in the last 5 years, about 25% of the network. But will their current pace of transformation be sufficient to keep up with the dynamism of Fintechs?

At this Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon conference, we had a panel of speakers from some of the most relevant Portuguese Fintechs, such as Raize (Collaborative SME Financing), Drivit (Car Driving Monitoring), Bankonnect (Open Banking), Netinvoice (Invoice Financing) and Parcela Já (Point of Sale Credit).

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Conference ProgramPhoto Report

keyboard_arrow_up 2018
keyboard_arrow_up #5 | The Future of Fashion and Retail

Fashion and retail are going through deep changes coming from globalisation, new technologies and new players.

Technology has always existed in fashion and the weaving machine of the industrial revolution is often considered as the first computer. Later, fast fashion revolutionised retail and then the whole manufacturing process. Today, fashion is seeing its whole value chain modified, from creation, to manufacturing, to retail including business models. This is visible in the use of technology for creation (Computer - Aided Design), for manufacturing (3D printing or digital printers of fabrics) and for retail, where Amazon has become the number one seller of clothing (with eight own brands) in 2016-2017 ahead of traditional players. Additionally, e-commerce are opening the door to new players such as the platform Farfetch. The traditional business model is being disturbed by new players such as the influencers that are substituting the fashion magazines in a much more segmented and efficient way. Fashion, through wearables is also entering other industries such as healthcare.

Traditional retail is going through the “retail apocalypse” and omnichannel seems to be the only option as the frontiers between online and offline are blurring. Amazon is offering the Amazon Go solution that might make cashiers obsolete. At the same time some digital born players such as Farfetch are investing in traditional retail (through the acquisition of Brown’s in 2015 and in the store of the future project).

In this Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon conference, we were able to offer a very rich panel of speakers from Filipa Neto from Farfetch to Joana Rafael from Sensei (a technology to follow better the clients in the store), including Sabine Seymour’s project Supa (that captures bio metrics data through wearables) and Nuno Ribeiro from Fabernovel, who presented a in-depth study of Amazon in the fashion industry. 

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Conference Program


Professor Céline Abecassis-Moedas interviewed by Portuguese Shoes - APICCAPS, about the future of retail.

keyboard_arrow_up #4 | Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges

Did you know that today more than 50% of the global population lives in cities?

And that in the future more than 75% will live in cities?  Have you noticed how the increasing congestion intensifies smog, obstructs emergency vehicles and burdens the economy? And how about how the smog and the climate changes reduce and threaten the wellbeing in the cities?

Should we worry? Obviously, when we are facing all these urban challenges: enable working mothers, provide affordable living space, reduce waste, provide mobility, deliver energy, supply goods, provide water, and the list goes on and on...

But, as Peter Drucker wisely said: “Every single social and global issue of our day is a business opportunity in disguise.”

This was the hot topic discussed at yet another Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon initiative, held at CATÓLICA-LISBON on last September 26th under the theme "Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges".

René Bohnsack, Associate Professor at CATÓLICA-LISBON and Director of the Smart City Innovation Lab, framed the subject and challenged his guests to talk about their expectations and concerns, sharing the best practices and tools that will enable them to bring their vision to the forefront of what will be the city of the future.

Incredible examples, already in place, were presented by the group of panelists: Nuno Santos, Associate Partner at Deloitte; Chistina M. Bidmon, Researcher at Aarhus Univertsity; José Teixeira, Founder of MediaPrimer and Carlos Luíz, Business Development Director at Municípia. A very interested audience threw at them lots of questions which led to an evening of sharing and dreaming.

This conference also featured the Smart Cities Program - The Major Revolution, an Executive Education Program whose first edition would take place at the end of November.

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Program

keyboard_arrow_up #3 | Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The 3rd edition of the conference cycle within the remit Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon took place on May 8th, with the launching of CATÓLICA-LISBON Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CTI&E), with the support of the Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation.

The Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship is based on the deep and extensive experience of the School’s Faculty in the fields of innovation, technology management and entrepreneurship to respond to the high level of interest of students, companies, entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem and the society at large.

In this event we had with us Mr. Patrick Drahi, philanthropist and entrepreneur, Professor Nuno Fernandes, Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON, Professor Céline Abecassis-Moedas, Academic Director of the Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the students selected to present CTIE Best Master Thesis and CTI&E Best Entrepreneurship Projects and it was brilliantly closed by Isabel Capeloa Gil, Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

To watch the conference, clickhere

More information: Conference ProgramPhoto Report


220 thesis were defended at CATÓLICA-LISBON, out of which 20 with a grade higher than 17, in the fields of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management. These 20 theses were reviewed by a jury of three professors of CTIE (Raffaele Conti, Geraldo Cerqueiro and Céline Abecassis-Moedas) that independently selected the best two finalists:

“Arts Entrepreneurship: How to become a successful Visual Arts Entrepreneur?” by Beatriz Kol

“How Perceptions influence Actions – Gender differences in Entrepreneurial Decisions” by Jeanne-Marie Wittelsburger (Winner Thesis)

Regarding the Entrepreneurship Projects, there were also selected the top three, to be presented on this event:

Dish to Wish, by Clarissa Pasik, Roy Schjølberg Brevik, Sebastian Prasil, Maria Sarter, Carlos Betancourt, Federica Badiali.
This project provides a solution/App to adults with specific dietary needs that have a busy schedule to choose the perfect dish.

Fresh Fill, by Sarah Lorenz, Ricardo Pereira, Joséphine Vermersch, Sara Manne, Elisabeth Kuijf, Simone Toniolo.
They provide easy access to quality water without the plastic waste at half of the cost.

Find a Farm, by Tobias Kummle and Karolina Stochlak
This project links environment conscious consumers though a platform to find good vegetables from local farmers. (Winner Team



keyboard_arrow_up #2 | Golden Generation vs Ageing Population

The second edition of the conference cycle held within the remit of Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon, under the subject “Golden Generation vs. Ageing Population” took place on April 10th. It addressed the current challenge of combining the most well-educated generation ever with the oldest generation ever, who currently work side by side in a global, competitive world which is constantly changing.

Among the speakers at the conference were Isabel Viegas, Executive Training Programme coordinator for CATÓLICA-LISBON, Tatiana Marques, Researcher at CATÓLICA-LISBON, Marta Fortunato, from The Navigator Company, Nuno Troni, from Randstad, Vítor Norinha, from Jornal Económico, as well as students from CATÓLICA-LISBON Emília de Abreu, Hanna Nikanorova, Felix Olenhusen and Gagan Gupta.

“Golden Generation vs. Ageing Population” discussed the ageing population and the ways in which the job market is learning to deal with the generation gap in companies.

From the employers’ point of view, it’s crucial to keep their older members of staff motivated despite the changes and adaptation which companies have been required to adopt.

“To develop in order to grow”: this is the guiding principle for Marta Fortunato, who defends the need to ensure that the knowledge brought by younger employees is retained, while recognising the experience and added value which they bring to companies.

On the other hand, Marta Fortunato does not forget older employees and their relevance as mentors and teachers to younger staff members. The Navigator Company has been developing the Shadow Project (a learning centre), where more senior employees pass on their knowledge to interns and more junior staff through mentoring.

Nuno Troni, from Randstad, who deals daily with the challenge of bridging the gap between job offer and demand, understands that developing soft skills is increasingly important in the job market. The recruitment agency director emphasised that nowadays companies no longer base their candidate’s application process merely on job adverts, but also through networking, because we live in a society where “everyone knows who everyone is within the job market”.

As well as the views offered by The Navigator Company and Randstad, the conference also included a scientific and academic perspective on the subject, presented by Tatiana Marques.

This researcher from CATÓLICA-LISBON, who has been conducting several studies on the impact of an ageing population on the job market, started by point out that there are many negative stereotypes associated with older workers, such as the idea that they are less competent, less productive and less motivated than younger people, which is nothing but a myth, according to several studies conducted on the subject. Tatiana Marques argues that, despite the fact that younger people are, as a rule, more productive while they are being trained, older people tend to display fewer counterproductive behaviours and tend to be less confrontational, as well as being more loyal to their company and remaining for longer periods of time.

To Isabel Viegas, from CATÓLICA-LISBON, companies’ success is intrinsically linked to their ability to deal with the four generations who currently work together, as this is the only way for them to be sustainable.

The conference “Golden Generation vs. Ageing Population” also included a session where four students from CATÓLICA-LISBON shared their experiences and concerns.

To watch the conference, clickhere

More information: Conference ProgramPhoto Report


“In the future, the companies who are able to better manage the issue of age diversity will be the front-runners who will endure for many years to come.”

Isabel Viegas, Executive Training Programme coordinator for CATÓLICA-LISBON.

“There are no significant differences between younger and older people when it comes to fulfilling a task. A younger person will be comfortable with diverse tasks, they will want a very meaningful job, mentoring and plenty of feedback, while older people prefer to use their skills, they value results and interpersonal relationships, they want complete autonomy and to deliver feedback.”

Tatiana Marques, Researcher at CATÓLICA-LISBON.

“Younger people are very keen to learn and know new things, and older people are very keen to pass on their knowledge.”

Marta Fortunato, The Navigator Company.

“The ability to develop soft skills will become increasingly important. Companies are changing the way they consider talent drastically, and they care more and more about their staff, both of younger and older generations.”

Nuno Troni, Randstad.

“It’s crucial for me to feel that I share the purpose and values of the company I’ll come to work for. But I also want to be able to support my future family, the same way that my parents did for me.”

Felix Olenhusen, MSc student in Management with Specialization in Strategy & Consulting. 

“I worry that when I enter the job market I’ll come to regret my choice of career. I don’t want to fall into a routine.”

Hanna Nikanorova, MSc student in Finance.

“For me, the most important thing is to work in a company where I can try new things and be continuously guided.”

Gagan Gupta, MSc student in Management with Specialization in Strategy & Consulting.

“I’m looking for job opportunities where I can learn, apply my knowledge, express my ideas and where I don’t feel intimidated because of my age.”

Emília de Abreu, MSc student in Management with Specialization in Strategic Marketing.

We would like to thank Vítor Norinha for mediating the conference.

keyboard_arrow_up #1 | 2018 - Challenges for Portugal

2018 Challenges for Portugal, a year of reflection

In an inspiring analysis of the national and international economic panorama, Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics challenges all its stakeholders to talk about their expectations and concerns for 2018. Thus, throughout the year, a series of conferences were developed – under the name Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon – with the purpose of discussing and studying the main challenges for the country, selected by a panel of 25 thousand participants.

The first conference, held on February 5, aimed at launching the initiative and challenging civil society to join efforts and build a promising future for Portugal and for all of us. This conference was attended by Nuno Fernandes (Dean of Católica-Lisbon), Ricardo Reis, (Head of the Center for Applied Studies of the Catholic University), João Gomes da Silva (Administrator of Sogrape), Isabel Guerreiro (Head of Banco Santander), Paulo Pereira da Silva (President of Renova), and Ricardo Gonçalves Pereira (CEO of Yunit Consulting) who launched the challenge SME Heroes Awards.

Católica-Lisbon survey determines aging of the population, quality of justice and competitiveness as the main challenges for Portugal.

In this first conference – 2018 Challenges for Portugal – Nuno Fernandes (Dean of Católica-Lisbon) made an analysis of the national and international social and economic panorama, presenting the results of the survey that Católica-Lisbon launched to a sample of 25 thousand people from civil society. Respondents were asked to place 15 themes by order of importance, out of a set of about 50 themes representing the challenges proposed for 2018. From the results, it was determined that:

  • Nearly 55% of the respondents chose aging as a challenge, but the concern with this issue is greater among younger people;
  • 54.3% of the respondents referred the quality of justice as one of the main challenges;
  • 45.7% of the respondents expressed concerns about the competitiveness of companies;
  • Nearly 40% of the respondents were concerned about excessive bureaucracy and 37% were concerned with state dependence;
  • Challenges related to the organization of the state and the political situation of the country do not seem to be the first concern of the respondents (except for the situation of justice, obviously);
  • Challenges related to foreign policy (Brexit, situation in Spain, refugees, etc.) were also seen as marginal.

Survey respondents are between 17 and 71 years of age, with a mean age of 34.2. Of the sample, 43% are graduates, 25% have masters, 28% completed high school, 2% have a PhD and 2% completed basic education. Respondents with higher education are mostly from the areas of economics and management.

Under a premise of sharing, spread out in various moments throughout the year, we will identify, analyse and discuss the main challenges for Portugal. And consequently alert, guide, and assist economic, social and political leaders to make informed and thoughtful decisions on how best to overcome the challenges faced.

To watch the conference, clickhere

More information: Conference ProgramPhoto Report



I think that one of the main challenges that Portugal faces is accelerating the digitalization of public processes. In other words, a challenge is to use technology to streamline several public processes that nowadays are still made using traditional means, and it can be broadly implemented. Let me give you a couple of examples. First, it should be possible to order and manage public transport cards -such as the LisboaViva card- online. Second, it should be possible to request your NIF online or to ask for an appointment with SEF online. Third, it should be possible to follow the status of certain processes online (e.g. driver’s license, doctor’s appointments, etc.). I can think of many other examples, but the idea is that processes that require people to make long queues, to fill paper forms with a pen, and to take several hours off work to organize something that could be easily done online should be completely removed. This is because I believe that the use of technology to replace traditional processes could increase the productivity and efficiency of the Portuguese people, and will make Portugal an even better place to live.

Ana M. Aranda 
Assistant Professor of Strategy

To Become the Hub for Talent and Innovation in Europe - The long-term economic prospects for Portugal are dire: with one of the oldest populations of any country in the world, a shrinking active labour force, low productivity, and a heavy public and private debt, Portugal will face significant economic and social challenges in future decades. Yet, 2018 promises to be a very benign economic environment with low interest rates, faster economic growth in Europe, and a continuation in the boom of tourism, real estate, and exports in Portugal that started in 2016, leading to strong employment growth.

In this benign environment, we have a unique opportunity in 2018 to reinforce the only viable positioning for Portugal – a Hub for Talent and Innovation.  Portugal can only prosper in the global economy if we become the most attractive place in Europe to live, to work, to invest, to visit and to retire. We will need to embrace immigration of qualified people and the return of many of the talented Portuguese diaspora. We need to promote international business investment (in particular of innovative start-ups and multinational shared services centers alike). We need to ensure an inclusive and cohesive society, that is safe and welcoming. We need to strengthen the cultural, ecological, scientific and sports activities that attract global talent.  

The good news is that we are already halfway into this path. Completing this path in strong alignment between private agents and public authorities is the way forward for Portugal.

Filipe Santos
Chaired Professor of Social Entrepreneurship

The main challenge for Portugal is, still, a lack of capital, the dominat problem since the start of the century. The problems which caused the financial crisis remain lingering, not only in the levels of high debt and low credit, but also low savings. Net investment has been negative for most of the last decade, reducing productive capital. This adds to the structural problems with human capital, not only in education levels, but also in demographic numbers. This results in low labor productivity. Present growth is only managed by reducing unemployment, with no contribution from capital and productivity. Portugal during this generation has been a shrinking country, not only in physical but also economic terms. This trend must be reversed, which is very hard as the political and cultural orientations do not recognize the problem, being obsessed with consumption levels.

João Luís César das Neves
Full Professor

Retain qualified labor - in addition to a low fertility rate, Portugal has witnessed a mass departure of qualified labor. For future growth it is crucial to be able to attract and retain productive workers.

Catarina Reis
Assistant Professor

A long-term challenge: fertility - The number of births in Portugal has gone down in 2017 after an uptick in the previous two years. It is now clear the increase in those two years was just a transitory compensation for births delayed during the worse times of the economic crisis. As the economy normalizes, we go back to the trend of declining births. As a country, one of our most important challenges is to reverse this trend. Other countries have shown that policies matter and it is time for us to change ours. What should we do to encourage people to have more children?

 A short-term challenge: tourism - Tourism has been responsible for a significant share of the Portuguese economy growth in recent times. Within tourism activities, the growth in local lodgings pushed by the likes of Airbnb has been quite remarkable. However, this trend has generated a pushback from those renters who loose from increasing real estate values and from those neighbors who bear some of the negative externalities stemming from the behavior of short-term stayers. There are now attempts to overregulate this activity and effectively kill the geese that lay the golden eggs. However, basic economics tell us that it should not be difficult to change these opportunities in win-win situations. How should we regulate local lodging so as to extract the most benefits to the most people?

Miguel Gouveia
Associate Professor

I think a challenge is attracting and retaining excellent workers. Many smart and hard working Portuguese people move abroad for opportunities that pay better or have a better possibility of advancement. Comparatively fewer high-achieving foreigners move to Portugal. Government agencies like SEF, Segurança Social, Finanças, and IMT waste a lot of people's time. It may be a good idea to make these agencies more efficient and effective. It may also be a good idea for employers to make sure there is a connection between how well a worker performs and how much they are paid (consistent with former Google HR head Laszlo Bock's advice to "pay unfairly"), as well as making sure promotion is fair and based on a clear definition of merit. This is important because the cost of living in Lisbon is increasing rapidly.

Andrew Hafenbrack
Assistant Professor

Digital transformation will be major challenge for Portugal in 2018: Our studies at the Smart City Innovation Lab show that DT will increasingly affect individuals, organizations and the society as whole. While this is a challenge for Portugal it is also a major opportunity for everyone involved to position itself and get ahead of the (international) competition.

René Bohnsack
Assistant Professor


Digital Series


At this difficult time of the pandemic, more than ever, it is important that we keep a cool head and give our best to each of the people around us and to society as a whole so that we can overcome this situation, always united.

CATÓLICA-LISBON has thus prepared a set of free online initiatives, KNOWLEDGE - Digital Conferences, in order to provide the best tools to all students and professionals, to help them face and better understand some of the challenges we are experiencing.

keyboard_arrow_up 2021
keyboard_arrow_up December 14 | Are consumers willing to pay for sustainability?

Are consumers willing to pay for sustainability?

December 14 | 5:00pm – Online Conference – Zoom

Concern for the planet is a growing priority and consumers and regulators demand more sustainable production. Companies and industries are preparing to guarantee consumption and production standards in line with these new requirements. However, the question remains: are consumers available to pay for the same sustainability they defend?

In this session we will gain a vision of what companies are implementing in terms of sustainability, with the example of Unilever FIMA through its CEO, António Casanova. We will find out what consumers are looking for in the area of sustainability through the voice of Deco Proteste, and we will understand how production and retail companies are developing initiatives to meet the objectives of collecting and recycling materials, through the Director General of two of the largest associations in Portugal, sharing the results of the Refund Deposit System (SDR) pilot study and future expansion plans.

This is a digital conference organized within the scope of the activities of the CORE – Center for Consumer Well-Being and Retail Innovation of CATÓLICA-LISBON.

keyboard_arrow_up November 4 | Business and Human Rights: Unchained Value in a Digital World

Business and Human Rights: Unchained Value in a Digital World

November 4th | 5:00pm – Digital Conference via Zoom

Can companies through their business have a positive impact on people´s human rights? Can technology play a relevant role on this?  The goal of the Conference will be to trigger an open dialogue on best practices and promote sharing of experiences – with the aim of raising participants' awareness to the role that companies can (and increasingly should, under the law) have in this area of sustainability, boosting positive social impact through their own commercial operations and relationship with their value chain.


keyboard_arrow_up October 26 | Strong Language

Businesses need to communicate in far more channels than ever before.

In external communications and internal communications, these channels are dominated by language, with a need to be always-on.

How can leaders make sure their business language is consistent, unique to them and yet flexible enough to suit the different channels and moments?

Chris West shares his experiences over more than 20 years in this area, including recent consulting work to Alphabet's 'moonshot factory', LVMH brands, national businesses and start-ups from data science, fintech and beauty.

keyboard_arrow_up October 21 | How to communicate Responsible Business?

With increasing public attention on companies’ sustainability and purpose performances, leaders must be prepared to be scrutinized at a previously unthinkable level!

Knowing that being a responsible business has become critical to economic success, how can organizations engage customers and investors to showcase progress on business impact and sustainability commitments, aligning strategy with stakeholders expectations?

This conference aims to promote the discussion about how responsible leaders can effectively communicate corporate purpose, social and cause-related marketing, sustainability initiatives and their impacts, giving compressive examples and instruments that will help business leaders move to a fair and equal world.

Join us! 

Watch the conference live on the CATÓLICA-LISBON Facebook page.

keyboard_arrow_up September 30 | Digital Transformation: Casos de Sucesso em Portugal

Digital Transformation - Casos de Sucesso em Portugal

30 de Setembro | 17:00 – Conferência Digital via Zoom

O último ano e meio obrigou a generalidade das organizações a “saltar” para o Digital. Analisando a situação hoje, constata-se que foram poucas as organizações que aproveitaram o desafio para fazer uma revisão profunda dos serviços para tirar partido das possibilidades que o digital traz.

Neste webinar vamos ter a oportunidade de ouvir duas empresas que o fizeram, casos de sucesso de Transformação Digital, em Portugal e na Europa! Nuno Vaz Neto e João Ribeiro da Costa vão conduzir uma conversa com Rosa Santa Bárbara do BCP e Ricardo Coelho da TESA Ibéria & Itália para ficarmos a conhecer como estas duas empresas melhoraram processos e a experiência do cliente, tirando partido da Transformação Digital.

keyboard_arrow_up July 6 | Future Consumer and Retail Trends

On July 6th, at 5pm, CATÓLICA-LISBON invites you to participate in the next Knowledge Conference on Future Consumer and Retail Trends, with the intervention of Paulo Jorge Gonçalves (Head of Marketing Intelligence Grupo Nabeiro) moderated by Prof. Rita Vale (CATÓLICA-LISBON) to debate the theme “Consumer of the Future and Well-Being”, and Nuno Aguiar (Chief Operating Officer Pingo Doce), moderated by Prof. Kyryl Lakishyk (CATÓLICA-LISBON), to reflect on the theme “Retail Trends of the Future”.

During the session, the CORE - Center for Consumer Well-being and Retail Innovation of CATÓLICA-LISBON will be formally launched, which aims to contribute to the promotion of consumer well-being and prosperity of the retail sector, through the development of knowledge and sharing with companies in a relationship of synergy and co-construction. We will have the participation of the Founding Partners of CORE, Delta Cafés and Grupo Jerónimo Martins and the Executive Director of the Center, Maria Estarreja (CATÓLICA-LISBON).

Watch the conference live on the CATÓLICA-LISBON Facebook page.

keyboard_arrow_up June 29 | What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on poverty and inequality in Portugal? Will the implemented policies be effective?
keyboard_arrow_up June 17 | The importance of 5G for the Portuguese Economy

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the next Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon Digital Conference that will be held on 17th June at 5pm, under the theme “The importance of 5G for the Portuguese Economy”.

What is 5G and what is the potential impact it can have on the Portuguese economy and life?

Ultra-fast speed, instant response, hyper-connection capability and reliability 100 times faster than 4G will make things that, until recently, were fiction come true.

In addition to the potential for acceleration in business and numerous applications in terms of leisure and science, cities themselves will change for better, becoming truly intelligent, capable of solving their operational problems and taking the necessary decisions, an autonomous form whether in terms of mobility, security or management of all types of resources, significantly improving people's lives.


- Manuel Ramalho Eanes, Administrador Executivo NOS

- Fátima Barros, Professora CATÓLICA-LISBON


Watch the conference live on the CATÓLICA-LISBON Facebook page.

keyboard_arrow_up June 8 | Design Thinking: innovating in practice

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the next Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon Digital Conference that will be held on 8th June at 5pm, under the theme " Design Thinking: innovating in practice”.

Innovating, in the current context, besides being a necessity, is a huge opportunity.

In this webinar, we will see how design thinking, as an innovation methodology, helps organizations gain an unusual capacity to differentiate themselves and develop their business, since they become more customer-centric.

We will also discuss how this methodology assures us a clear structure, specific frameworks and new ways of working that catalyze, in us and in organizations, the much desired change that materializes in higher levels of empathy, collaboration and creativity.



Watch the conference live on the CATÓLICA-LISBON Facebook page.

keyboard_arrow_up May 19 | Business Automation for the Future of Work: Success stories in Portugal

This Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on 19th May at 5pm, under the theme "Business Automation for the Future of Work: Success stories in Portugal”.

In a partnership with EDP, we brought together experts that shared with us successful cases of automation in companies, and the applicability of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), in order to clarify its impact on companies and, at the same time, frame the discussion on the future of work at the current moment.



  • Misael Viana – NOS
  • Carlos Machado da Silva – CTT Correios de Portugal


To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up May 18 | Sustainable Finance

This Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on 18th May at 5pm, under the theme "Sustainable Finance”.

In order to reach a systemic worldwide transformation of businesses and economies towards net zero, capital will have to shift from business-as-usual to sustainable projects, companies and products. Financial decision makers and investors must integrate new ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors into their processes through challenging new standardised frameworks. We had a live discussion with Filipe Santos, Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON, Elena Philipova, Global Head Sustainable Finance at Refinitiv, a London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) business and Miguel Namorado Rosa, Head of Sustainability, Corporate Support and Research at Caixa Geral de Depósitos, to find out where we stand and the way forward in Sustainable Finance. The moderator will be Conceição Lucas, Professor of Sustainable Finance for the Masters Courses at Universidade Católica.


  • Conceição Lucas - Professor of Sustainable Finance for the Masters Courses at Universidade Católica


Guest Speakers:

  • Elena Philipova - Global Head ESG Proposition, Refinitiv
  • Miguel Namorado Rosa - Central Director of CGD's Corporate Support Division


To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up May 14 | Negotiation in Action

This Knowledge@CatólicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on 14th May at 5pm, under the theme "Negotiation in Action”.

Negotiating is something we all do in our daily lives, both in our personal and professional lives. In fact, the applications of negotiation are not limited to the commercial sphere, negotiation is above all a language to solve problems. As such, negotiation is not exclusive to this or that sector, it is absolutely transversal and applicable to any economic area. In this webinar we wanted to talk to those who use this tool in their daily lives, focusing our attention on three sectors: sports, agriculture and industry. 




  • Paulo Regula, PR 10 – Sport
  • Micaela Cabral, Bondalti – Industry
  • Paulo Cavaco, CCM – Agrobusiness


To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up April 28 | Business Warfare: Strategy in the age of Disruption

This Knowledge @CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on April 28th at 5pm, with the theme "Business Warfare: Strategy in the age of Disruption".

Strategy is as old as humanity. In particular, political-military strategy has created timeless concepts that have made strategic decision making tangible.

In the current context, success in business requires not only a lucid vision of the signs of change and new competitive scenarios, but also acting correctly and in a timely manner. This is precisely where military strategy can help us.

Presented by Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, director and lecturer of several programs in Executive Education at CATÓLICA-LISBON, this online conference brought to discussion the decision making in business based on the political-military models of authors such as Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and Clausewitz.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up April 22 | Water: A key resource for business success

This Knowledge @CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on April 22th at 4:30 p.m., under the theme "Water: A key resource for business success".

In this conference, powered by the Center for Responsible Business and Leadership of CATÓLICA-LISBON, the new Research Note: "WATER: A Key Value Driver for Sustainable Growth" was released. Thus, we intended to discuss the importance of the role of Water for business in its value-chain, emphasizing how an efficient management of water can become a source of competitive advantage. We had a panel with three companies that presented their best practices in water management: José Roquette - Esporão, Fernando Ventura - Jerónimo Martins and José Melo Bandeira - Veolia.

The event also marked the occasion of the announcement of the Pact for Water Management in Portugal, a joint initiative of CATÓLICA-LISBON, Jerónimo Martins, SuperBock, Grupo Esporão, Sugal, Grupo Pestana, Veolia, L'Oréal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, LNEC, Águas de Portugal, Beta-i, BGI and Scubic, with the aim of aligning Portuguese companies in active water management strategies.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up April 7 | Business Automation for the Future of Work: Casos de sucesso em Portugal

Esta Knowledge @CatólicaLisbon Digital Conference realizou-se no dia 7 de abril às 14h00, com o tema “Business Automation for the Future of Work: Casos de sucesso em Portugal”.

A discussão à volta do futuro do trabalho tem estado na ribalta, em larga medida associada a previsões catastróficas de desemprego massificado, provocado pela chegada dos ‘robots’ e da Inteligência Artificial.”

Numa parceria com a EDP, reunimos neste evento especialistas que nos ajudaram a clarificar e conhecer casos de sucesso de automatização em empresas e de aplicabilidade de Robotic Process Automation (RPA), com o objetivo de enquadrar a discussão do futuro do trabalho no momento atual. Contámos com a presença dos oradores convidados, Dra. Emídia Martins (Solvay) e Dr. José Vera (José de Mello Saúde), com a moderação dos Diretores do Programa de Formação de Executivos da CATÓLICA-LISBON “Business Automation for the Future of Work”, Dr. Ricardo Henriques (EDP) e Professor João Ribeiro da Costa (CATÓLICA-LISBON).

Assista à conferência aqui

keyboard_arrow_up March 30 | Católica International Business Platform

This Knowledge @CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on March 30th at 5 p.m., under the theme "Católica International Business Platform".

The challenges of globalization, sustainability and digital transformation, along with the context of uncertainty and volatility exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, force us to rethink business models for internationalization, the relationship with the client and talent management, among other key issues.

In this conference, we presented the Católica International Business Platform, an academic-business partnership of impact to support companies, powered by CATÓLICA-LISBON, where we had the presence of the CEOs of three companies of the founding core to share their experience with us - Dr. Rui Miguel Nabeiro (Nabeiro Group), Dr. Maria do Carmo Neves (Tecnimede Group), Dr. Duarte Lopes Pinto (Sumol Compal Group).

LET'S MOVE Portugal Ahead FAST.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up March 25 | From Portugal, with love: Wine, Food, Luxury and Tourism

This Knowledge @CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on March 25th at 5 p.m., under the theme "From Portugal, with love: Wine, Food, Luxury and Tourism ".

After a year like the last one, it is time to look to the future. What can we expect in the tourism, wine, catering and luxury sectors? How can these sectors reposition themselves internationally? What challenges will they now have for the future? 

In this event, we brought together experts from each of these areas, who discussed the answers to these questions. Our guest speakers were José João Santos (Essencia do Vinho), Patrícia Dias (Chef's Agency), Mónica Seabra-Mendes (CATÓLICA-LISBON) and Luís Araújo (Turismo de Portugal). This conference was moderated by Rita Coelho do Vale, Professor at CATÓLICA-LISBON.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up March 18 | Interpersonal Communication in Challenging Times

This Knowledge@CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on March 18th at 5 p.m., under the theme "Interpersonal Communication in Challenging Times".

Communicating, nowadays, has posed many new challenges to all of us: from the transition from face to face contacts to mask to mask, to the security distance that is imposed on us, to the countless hours spent in online conversations, where the meeting room has shrunk to a small rectangle in front of us.

We addressed these challenges, and ways to better deal with them, in this digital conference, in a conversation between João Matos, lecturer at CATÓLICA-LISBON and director of the new program "Communication and Interpersonal Impact", Carla Rocha, radio show host and speaker, and Teresa Oliveira, lecturer at CATÓLICA-LISBON.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up March 9 | The Crypto Banking Revolution

This Knowledge@CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on March 9th, under the theme "The Crypto Banking Revolution".

We are currently witnessing the rise of institutional crypto adoption. From large asset managers of corporate treasuries like Tesla or Benfica, to endowments and family offices, institutional interest in digital assets has never been higher. Anchorage is the first federally chartered Digital Asset bank. Founded in 2017 to meet the growing need for institutional custody that lets investors safely hold and use crypto, Anchorage has grown into a full-service financial platform and infrastructure provider for the digital asset space. As the space continues to mature and its use cases proliferate, there is an increased demand for a wide range of services — services that exceed the expectations of traditional finance.

To guide us with new perspectives about the future of banking, we invited Diogo Mónica, Anchorage’s Co-founder & President and Fortune's 40 under 40 in Finance, to share with us his vision of how crypto will change the face of financial services, with the moderation of our Executive Education Blockchain and Fintech Programs Coordinators, Professor Paulo Cardoso do Amaral and Diogo Lopes Pereira.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up March 3 | Euro Digital and Blockchain: What's next?

This Knowledge@CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was held on March 3rd, under the theme "Euro Digital and Blockchain: What's next?".

The ECB launched at the end of 2020 a public consultation on the Digital Euro, naming a date for its launch. The Digital Euro comes in line with recent technologies such as Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Cryptocoins. What could this development mean for our economy? What are the potentialities of the Digital Euro?

Find out the answers in this conference that will be hosted by Professors Paulo Cardoso do Amaral (CATÓLICA-LISBON) and Miguel Pupo Correia (TECHNICAL+).

By the speakers' request, this session was not recorded.

keyboard_arrow_up February 25 | Health XXI Challenges

The theme of this conference was "Health XXI Challenges".

In this online event, we had the opportunity to discuss the post-pandemic future of the SNS and the challenges to be faced, from several different perspectives, considering potential solutions to be explored, in a holistic approach.

This conference was hosted by Francisco Velez Roxo, Rui Raposo and Adalberto Campos Fernandes, as part of CATÓLICA-LISBON's Executive Training in Healthcare Management.

To watch the conference, clickhere 

keyboard_arrow_up February 17 | Purpose Driven Business: The Challenges of Implementation

The theme of this Knowledge@CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was "Purpose Driven Business: The Challenges of Implementation".

It was a moment of discussion hosted by the Center for Responsible Business and Leadership of CATÓLICA-LISBON (CRBL), focused on the theme of "Purpose" and how several organizations are making it a reality.

Filipe Santos, Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON, opened the session, and was followed by a presentation of the topic by Nuno Moreira da Cruz and Filipa Pires de Almeida, from CRBL. We had guest speakers representing several companies, José Melo Bandeira, from Veolia Portugal, Gonçalo Amorim, from startup accelerator BGi, and Paula Gomes Freire, from Vieira de Almeida Advogados (VdA), who told us about their practical experiences in implementing "Purpose" in their organizations. 

To watch the conference, clickhere

keyboard_arrow_up February 11 | Leading Teams in Agile Contexts: New Challenges

The theme for this Knowledge@CatolicaLisbon Digital Conference was "Leading Teams in Agile Contexts: New Challenges".

Team leadership in the current context presents new challenges, due to the uncertainty of our reality and the additional difficulties that remote work can bring. The current reality has further highlighted the limitations of rigid control hierarchies, focused on the control of working hours or micro-management.

In this conference, we explored ways to mobilize and empower teams to make them more agile and improve their performance in response to new challenges.

This online event featured Teresa Oliveira, Paulo Nuno Lopes and Hugo Lopes, lecturers from CATÓLICA-LISBON's Executive Education in Leadership.

To watch the conference, clickhere

keyboard_arrow_up February 9 | 2021: A Year Without Beginning

The topic for this conference was the analysis of the Quarterly Economic Review for the 4th quarter 2020. Professor João Borges de Assunção shared his data, analysis and forecasts, in the monitoring of the evolution of the Portuguese and world economy, focusing on the perspectives for the current year.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up 2020
keyboard_arrow_up December 17, 2020 | 2021 State Budget Analysis

This conference's topic was the analysis of the State Budget for 2021. It was presented by Pedro Afonso Fernandes, Senior Economist at NECEP, with comments from the Professors of Economics of CATÓLICA-LISBON, João Borges de Assunção and João César das Neves, and Dean Filipe Santos.

In addition to the Quarterly Economic Summaries, the NECEP | Católica-Lisbon Forecasting Lab also publishes Thematic Reports. In particular, an annual thematic report on the 2021 State Budget was published on December 9th, which you can consult here and which was presented at the conference. Under analysis are the extraordinary elements in the support to the economy, besides the routine elements in the Civil Service and conventional social policies, with emphasis on the general orientation to support the preservation of employment and productive capacity, the goal defined for the deficit and other criteria to evaluate public finances in the current context, and also the strategy for the implementation of European programs with non-refundable funds.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up December 10, 2020 | Purpose-driven Consumption: shifting the dialogue between companies and consumers

This conference addressed a topic of great impact and actuality “Purpose-driven Consumption: shifting the dialogue between companies and consumers”.

The Center for Responsible Business & Leadership (CRB) hosted this digital conference with a panel of three relevant retail companies (IKEA, L’Oréal and Sogrape) sharing the importance of Purpose in their relationship with customers. During the conference, the CRB team released a new Research Note on the major trends and innovation in “Purpose-driven Consumption”.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up December 3, 2020 | Angola: Structural Reformations for Economic Growth

This conference addressed a topic of the utmost relevance and actuality: “Angola: Structural Reforms for Economic Growth”.

With the decrease in the impact of the oil sector, Angola is developing a diversification strategy that implies deep economic reforms and the growth of the business sector with the stimulation of private investment, both internal and external, which were presented to us by two of its protagonists, Dr. Vera Daves, Angolan Minister of Finance, and Dr. António Henriques da Silva, President of AIPEX - Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency.

To watch the conference, click here


keyboard_arrow_up November 25, 2020 | Data Protection as an Asset of Organizations: A New Paradigm

This conference was presented in partnership with Lisbon School of the Faculty of Law (UCP), with a topic of the utmost relevance and actuality “Data Protection as an Asset of Organizations: A New Paradigm”.

Data protection is no longer seen as a mere matter of legal compliance. It has become a conditioning element of many economic activities, the DNA of organizations, protection and a fundamental asset of the digital world and, above all, the values that customers appreciate.

This conference was attended by several renowned personalities in this area, that shared their vision on the subject.


Panel 1 | The impacts of data protection on economic activities: the vision of regulators

  • Filipa Calvão (President of National Commission for Data Protection)
  • Margarida Matos Rosa (President of the Competition Authority)
  • João Cadete Matos (President of ANACOM)


Panel 2 | Data protection and Companies' core values

  • Lanah Kammourieh Donnelly (Public Policy Manager, Google)
  • Alexis Kateifides (Privacy Counsel, OneTrust)
  • Nuno Moreira da Cruz, (Executive Director of the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership, CATÓLICA-LISBON)
  • Alld Jewett (Senior Legal Counsel and Business Privacy Leader, GE Digital)
  • Renee Lloyd (Senior Counsel and co-Privacy Leader, GE Digital)


To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up October 20, 2020 | The Purpose Drive Corporation

The theme of Purpose is nowadays strongly present in the minds of business leaders and is central to corporate strategy. Moreover, the recent difficulties facing the Portuguese and global economy challenge each one of us and the organizations we lead to surpass ourselves in supporting society. There is much discussion about the role of governments and the State but, after the initial pandemic shock, the role of private companies, entrepreneurs, foundations, universities and social organizations will be critical for the process of recovery and resilience-building.

Why and how can an agenda for purpose be implemented? What are the managerial challenges for purpose-driven businesses? What is the future for a capitalism centered on purpose?

This conference featured Professor Filipe Santos - Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON and Global Social Innovation Thought Leader, Professor Nuno Moreira da Cruz - head of our Center for Responsible Business & Leadership, with special guest Dr. António Casanova – Executive Vice-President of Unilever, one of the pioneering global companies in adopting a purpose-driven agenda.

To watch the conference, clickhere 

keyboard_arrow_up October 13, 2020 | NECEP Economic Forecasts for 2020

On the 7th of October, the NECEP | CATÓLICA LISBON Forecasting Lab published its quarterly analysis of the Portuguese Economy. The estimates, based on the latest data up to October 6th, is a decrease of 12.5% for the 3rd trimester GDP in comparison with the same quarter of 2019. Our NECEP economists maintain their central forecast issued in March of a decrease of GDP in 2020 of 10% due to the pandemic, with a likely interval between 9% and 12%. Recovery for 2021 is expected to be mild, with an expected growth of 2.5% to 3%. This is more pessimistic than the recent official forecasts from the Government and the Bank of Portugal, but NECEP has an outstanding (and global award winning) track record of forecasting the Portuguese GDP.

At this conference, Professor João Borges de Assunção shared his data, analysis and forecasts, fulfilling CATÓLICA-LISBON's responsibility of providing relevant knowledge and insights to business leaders.

To watch the conference, clickhere

keyboard_arrow_up October 6, 2020 | The Potential of Robotic Process Automation in Business Transformation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a disruptive technology that allows companies to review and automate processes usually performed by people, with great impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations.

In this conference, we had the opportunity to learn more about its concrete application in Portugal, through the experiences of leading companies in its implementation. We hosted José Ferrari Careto from EDP, Nuno Martins from Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Rui Fonseca from UiPath, with moderation and comments from João Ribeiro da Costa, from CATÓLICA-LISBON.

To watch the conference, clickhere 

keyboard_arrow_up October 1, 2020 | Cybersecurity: business challenges in an environment of increasing technological dependence

If the growing technological dependence is visible, this is not the case with the sophistication of the attacks and the ongoing Cyber-war environment.

This conference was created within the scope of the Cyber-security course, which results from a partnership between CATÓLICA-LISBON and Técnico+, with the aim of discussing the main risks and challenges that managers must consider today, with analysis and comments by Professors Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, from CATÓLICA-LISBON, and Miguel Pupo Correia, from Instituto Superior Técnico.

By the speakers' request, this session was not recorded.

keyboard_arrow_up September 23, 2020 | Pharmaceutical Innovation in Times of Pandemic

Current times are too fast for science.

The times when we want solutions to pandemic problems are too slow for society.

From drugs to vaccines, there is a growing space for debate about urgency and safety.

How can pharmaceutical innovation reconcile these two dimensions of life to build a future of post-pandemic health and well-being?

This conference had two renowned speakers, Professor Hélder Mota Filipe - Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon - and Dr. Paula Martins de Jesus - Medical Director of MSD, Vice President of the Medical Council of MSD and president of the Association of Medical Professionals in the Pharmaceutical Industry - and was moderated by Professors Francisco Velez Roxo and Joana Santos Silva, from CATÓLICA-LISBON.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up July 21, 2020 | Health and Challenges in the Digital Context

The Health Systems' response to the COVID-19 pandemic has posed many new and renewed challenges in responding to patients and in the technological and humanistic evolution of the future of society, health and well-being. In a context of digital transformation, the challenges are mainly one of optimisation and holistic and integrative development, with a view to rapid and better responses to the complexity of health and social problems.

This conference was presented by Professor Francisco Velez Roxo and Professor Joana Santos Silva, from CATÓLICA-LISBON, with comments from Dr. Ricardo Batista Leite, Member of the Portuguese Parliament, National Spokesperson for Health of the Social Democratic Party, Medical Doctor trained in infectious diseases and Head of Public Health at Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up July 16, 2020 | COVID-19: Impact and Future in the Wine Sector

The recent conjuncture has brought impacts on a global scale, and the wine sector is not immune to this "uncertain environment".

In this context, the CATÓLICA-LISBON and the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia do Porto (UCP) have gathered to debate the issues that affect the wine sector, seeking to clarify and find the best solutions and measures to overcome them.

This conference will be moderated by Professor Nuno Fazenda, from CATÓLICA-LISBON, and Professor José Couto, from Escola Superior de Biotecnologia do Porto, having the Essence of Wine as Media Partner.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up July 16, 2020 | Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization: Opportunities from a new global reality

Rather than "one more presentation about AI & Digital", the event will offer a lively discussion between a truly unique set of speakers focusing on what to expect in terms of outlook and practical opportunities for Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization. We will feature world-leading insights on the topic and share pragmatic examples on Banking, Energy, Health and IT industries as well as latest trends from Academia.

Get to know the panel of speakers:

Prof. Manuela Veloso: Head JPMorgan Chase AI Research, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University
Miguel Noronha: Executive Vice President North America, United Kingdom, Portugal & Global Accounts at Altitude Software
Nuno Guerreiro: Head of Industry, Search Ads 360 at Google US
Rui Teixeira: CEO EDP Generation and Member of the Board of Directors of EDP
João Ribeiro da Costa: Head of Digital Transformation Catolica-Lisbon, Non-Exec Board Member Claranet and Guestcentric - Moderator

By the speakers' request, this session was not recorded.

keyboard_arrow_up July 14, 2020 | Post-pandemic Consumption: Challenges and Opportunities

In this period of enormous economic uncertainty in which we find ourselves, it is relevant to analyze how consumers will activate their consumption patterns in the post-pandemic period, so that companies can reinvent strategies of action and market approach.

In this conference will be presented the results of a study conducted with 500 participants of the Online Research Panel of CATÓLICA-LISBON, during the period of disconfinement. Data indicate that we will observe an activation of quite different consumption habits, so companies must understand these changes in order to leverage consumption of both products and services. Results point to four distinct types of consumers that due to their sociodemographic profile will exhibit disparate differences in consumption. Like the results of the previous study, conducted at the beginning of the lock-down period, this study indicates that attributes such as sustainability and the origin of products will be increasingly valued by consumers.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up July 2, 2020 | Negotiating in a Disadvantaged Position

Negotiating in a disadvantaged position has never been pleasant, but these days it has become especially complicated and complex.

What are the premises for negotiating in a disadvantaged position?

What does it mean to be at a disadvantage in a negotiation?

Should we simply accept the conditions that are imposed on us?

The purpose of this conference is to provide negotiating tools and strategies that promote the rebalancing of the balance of negotiating power.

To watch the conference, click here

More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up June 30, 2020 | The evolution of the epidemic and the years of life lost by the Portuguese

In this conference we had, in a first part, the presentation of our guest speaker, Jorge Buescu - Associate Professor at FCUL, on Mathematics, Models and Pandemic, where a brief description of what is a mathematical model for an epidemic was made, relating it to the data recently observed in Portugal.

The second part of the conference was presented by Miguel Gouveia - Associate Professor at CATÓLICA-LISBON, and addressed the topic of how to measure the effect of the epidemic on population health. The number of deaths is just a starting point. Results were presented for indicators such as lost life years, or "quality adjusted lost life years". These indicators are best suited to finding the best public policies, in particular the most cost-effective.

To watch the conference, click here.  

More information: Presentation 1, Presentation 2

keyboard_arrow_up June 23, 2020 | The Future of Tourism

The past months introduced us to a new global paradigm. Around the world, people changed their consumption habits, life and work routines, but also the way they feel and think about traveling on leisure.

Tourism companies now face that great uncertainty regarding the «new consumer» mindset and needs. To guide us with new perspectives about the future of tourism, we invited several international and national experts who will talk about their approaches and insights for this economic sector: Chris Seek from Solimar International, Lígia Fonseca from IATA, Sheree Mitchel from Immersa Global and Luís Araújo from the Portuguese National Tourism Authority. With moderation by Nuno Fazenda and Pedro Celeste from CATÓLICA-LISBON.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up June 9, 2020 | Building a Global Career in a Digital World

Pedro Pina delivered an inspiring talk on how to build a global career in an increasingly digital world and engage in a lively conversation with Dean Filipe Santos about global digital companies, innovation, diversity, and the future ahead.


Pedro Pina is a Portuguese-born marketer who has lived and worked outside of Portugal throughout his 20+ year career. He joined Google in 2013 as Global Client Partner overseeing a team spread around the world dedicated to lead Google’s deep engagement with some of the biggest giants in advertising like Unilever, L’Oreal, Nestle, LVMH, VW or BMW. He also oversees Google’s award winning creative force - a.k.a. The Zoo – an internal team of creative technologists, product specialists, strategic planners and tech producers.

Beyond his day job, Pedro leads for Google the LGBTQ+ chapter across Europe Middle East and Africa and he’s also the Executive Sponsor for the Region’s strategy of Diversity and Inclusion, having received several international awards for his work in this domain.

Prior to joining Google, Pedro was EVP and Global Brands Director at McCann Worldgroup. His career started at P&G, followed by 5 years in the US and Brazil working for PepsiCo.

Pedro has an Undergraduate degree from Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and an MBA from INSEAD.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up June 4, 2020 | Who will bear the costs of the covid-19 crisis: Analysis of jobs at risk in Portugal

New report and launch of the CATÓLICA-LISBON Center PROSPER

Professor Filipe Santos, Professor Joana Silva,
Professor Francisco Lima, Rector Isabel Capeloa Gil


- Launch of the CATÓLICA-LISBON Center of Economics for Prosperity (PROSPER),
Professor Filipe Santos, Dean of Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics

- Presentation of the Study: "Who will bear the costs of the covid-19 crisis: Analysis of jobs at risk in Portugal",
Professor Joana Silva, Director of the CATÓLICA-LISBON Center of Economics for Prosperity

- Comment by the President of the National Statistical Institute (INE), Professor Francisco Lima

- Closing remarks by the Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Professor Isabel Capeloa Gil

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up June 2, 2020 | Brands and their Customers in a Changing World

In this conference we discussed how consumer brands are adapting their value proposition to the situation of confinement and new consumer trends.

Covid-19 has suddenly changed all the paradigms of our lives. Brands, which have recognised the relevance of their customers and have really started to care about them, have had to rethink everything. A different world and a different life have led people to change their ways and processes of analysis, valuation, selection, decision, satisfaction, purchase, consumption. Brands have followed, adjusting products to meet new needs, reviewing purchase and delivery channels, and getting where people are, adapting prices to new value proposals and developing new contact mechanisms and their promises.

This conference, moderated by the Program Director of CATÓLICA-LISBON, Maria do Rosário Pinto Correia, with comments from Professor Rita Coelho do Vale, had the participation of top managers from the main brands, that shared their experiences and innovations.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up May 28, 2020 | What is the main strategic challenge associated with an unprecedented shock?

This conference with Professor Ilídio Barreto dwelled upon the strategic challenges that business leaders face to adapt to deep shocks, such as the one provoked by COVID-19.

Given the extensive, past evidence about how firms (including global industry leaders) struggled to cope with unprecedented shocks, and drawing on cognitive sciences and related literatures, Professor Ilídio Barreto shared insights on what is the managers’ biggest challenge in such situations, why it keeps happening and how they can mitigate that challenge.

Professor Ilídio Barreto teaches Strategy, Creativity and Strategic Entrepreneurship (which are also his scientific research domains) at all levels of education levels at CATÓLICA-LISBON. He has published articles in top scientific journals in Management. For years, he has been a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Management Studies and the Journal of Business Venturing. In 2020, he joined the Editorial Review Board of the Academy of Management Journal.

By the speakers' request, this session was not recorded.

keyboard_arrow_up May 26, 2020 | Economic Recovery for Portugal and Europe

We welcomed Professor Manuel Rodrigues, former Portuguese Secretary of State for Finance and expert on public and private finances. He did an analysis of the prospects and options for economic recovery in Portugal and Europe.

Speaker Bio: Manuel Rodrigues is a Lecturer in Financial Management at King’s College London. He was the Secretary of State for Finance in the XIX and XX Constitutional Government of Portugal. He was Member of Parliament (MP) until 2017 and Chaired the Portugal - United Kingdom Inter‐Parliamentary Committee. He holds a PhD from UK’s Cranfield University School of Management specialised in finance. Previously, he graduated in Civil Engineering from Portugal’s Instituto Superior Técnico followed by a MBA at Spain’s IESE Business School and US’ Kellogg School of Management.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up May 19, 2020 | Perspectives for the Global Economy in times of COVID-19

Professor Sérgio Rebelo shared is views on the impact of COVID-19 for the global economy and what we can expect in the months ahead, as we fight, at the same time, a global sanitary crisis and an economic recession.

Professor Sérgio Rebelo is one of the most well known Portuguese Economists in the world. He is currently the Tokai Bank Distinguished Professor of International Finance at the Kellogg School of Management, where he has served as Chair of the Finance Department. He has published widely in macroeconomics and international finance and has won numerous research and teaching awards, including Kellogg’s Professor of the Year Award. He has served as consultant to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the European Central Bank, the McKinsey Global Institute, and the Global Markets Institute at Goldman Sachs. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Rochester. He is a graduate in Economics of Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, where he was a faculty member and served as Director of the Finance MBA program. He was distinguished with CATÓLICA-LISBON'S Career Award in 2007.

By the speakers' request, this session was not recorded.

keyboard_arrow_up May 14, 2020 | COVID-19 and the Portuguese: Results of the Católica University Study and the challenges for the Portuguese Economy | PART 2

In this session, we will share the results of the 2nd phase of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa study on the social and economic impacts of the pandemic in the country. This study was developed in the last five days by CESOP, so this will be the most updated snapshot of the Portuguese in times of COVID-19.

To watch the conference, click here
More information: Presentation 

keyboard_arrow_up May 6, 2020 | Suddenly remote: Challenges and Opportunities in managing remote teams

In this session, we summarized the state of remote work in the world and shared data on the impact of the current lockdown on employee motivation and well-being. We addressed some of the key issues team leaders should be aware of at this time, with concrete proposals for quick-win actions to address them.

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Presentation 

keyboard_arrow_up May 5, 2020 | What sort of world do we want after Covid19: the key role of the SDGs

In times profoundly affected by an unexpected global pandemic, the uncertainty about the future and the effects of global economic depression are raising alarm at the governmental, business and citizen level. The crisis is pushing millions into poverty, unemployment and worrying health conditions. In this context, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emerge, as never before, as the guiding light for company’s safer path towards an uncertain future, where one thing is certain: the well-being of our society is crucial for business success. The world post-COVID world needs to embrace the spirit of the SDGs and its noble mission of “leaving no one behind”.

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up April 28, 2020 | The Portuguese in their Personal Emergency Plans

With the imminent and then effective declaration of a state of emergency, the Portuguese aligned on the necessary contingency reactions. Each built its own Personal Emergency Plan [PEP] by mobilizing resources on two fronts - Survival and Operation. This session aimed at giving a general picture of the consumer who survives and functions but, mainly, to explore the main questions that this time of exception and disruption puts in a context of pre-return to the outside world. Understanding the morphology and strategies underlying these Plans will be fundamental to understanding how the Portuguese will return to "their world out there"!

To watch the conference, see the video here
More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up April 27, 2020 | Innovation in times of COVID

The Coronavirus crisis has dramatically forced consumers to change their habits and has led society to a standstill. However, the human spirit cannot be confined and several interesting innovations have been born out of necessity.

In this conference, Professor René Bohnsack presented the CATÓLICA-LISBON’S Business Model Design Lab, that aims to empower businesses to capitalize on business model innovation, and Rita Romão, partner of AKA Group – a Strategy and Branding Consulting company - presented some of the most creative companies and solutions that were born out of the COVID-19 crisis.

To watch the conference, see the videohere
More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up April 23, 2020 | The Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Portuguese Society: Assessment of multiple indicators

The Observatory of Portuguese Society of Católica-Lisbon has conducted in the last few days of March one of its regular studies, this time focusing on analyzing several indicators related with the health crisis we are all experiencing. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of current situation in multiple indicators like Happiness, Well-Being, Consumption Behaviors, and Economic Impact, as also to assess multiple indicators related to what the Portuguese are expecting to happen in the next few months. Findings suggest many significant differences depending on citizen’s current economic conditions, as also depending on their current employment status, shedding some light on the different realities experienced by Portuguese.

The main objective of the observatory consists in describing and characterizing the Portuguese society by studying specific phenomena of interest. In particular, the observatory measures and monitors aspects related to Portuguese society, such as well-being, quality of life, happiness, health, life satisfaction, and security. In order to understand specific or underlying concepts of Portuguese society, the observatory collects relevant data using both direct data collection, through the Online Research Panel of CATÓLICA-LISBON, and indirect data collection provided by national and international entities (e.g., socioeconomic, demographic and health statistics). This set of activities is helpful to understand the impact of specific economic and psychosocial issues in the Portuguese Society.

To watch the conference, clickhere
More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up April 22, 2020 | Economy in Times of Plague

With the title "Economy in Times of Plague", this event was presented by Professor João César das Neves, who analyzed the current data regarding the evolution of the economy, as well as the possible scenarios that may happen in the coming months.

To watch the conference, click here
More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up April 21, 2020 | 2020: The Odyssey of the Portuguese Economy in the Great Confinement

The NECEP - Center for Economic Studies for the Portuguese Economy (Católica-Lisbon Forecasting Lab) - published on 23rd March the first analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Portuguese Economy. In this conference, the NECEP coordinator, Professor João Borges de Assunção, presented the latest data and estimates of the economic impact of the pandemic in Portugal, information that is very relevant for political and business decision-makers.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up April 14, 2020 | COVID-19 and the Portuguese

In this conference, we shared the results of the study by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa on the current changes in the lives of the Portuguese and the country's economy. This study was carried out with a sample of 1,700 Portuguese, during the first week of April, and is representative of the population.

We also reflected on what the data tell us regarding the country's economic situation and the best way to act to relaunch the Economy.

To watch the conference, see the video here
More information: Presentation

keyboard_arrow_up April 7, 2020 | Responsible Business Leadership: Challenges of a Global Crisis

André Themudo from BlackRock, Antonio Casanova from Unilever, Filipe Botton from Logoplaste and Ludovic Reysset from Danone were kind enough to accept the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership from CATÓLICA-LISBON's invitation to debate the most relevant competencies for Responsible Business Leadership that the world needs to face the challenges for the future.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up April 6, 2020 | Economy in times of Plague

At this difficult time of the pandemic, more than ever, it is important that we keep a cool head and give our best to each of the people around us and to society as a whole so that we can overcome this situation, always united.

Due to COVID-19, CATÓLICA-LISBON has repared a set of online initiatives, KNOWLEDGE - Digital Conferences, to provide the best tools to help face and better understand some of the challenges we are currently living.

The first edition of this initiative, under the theme “Economy in times of plague”, was presented by Professor João César das Neves.

To watch the conference, click here

keyboard_arrow_up 2022
keyboard_arrow_up January 22 | Deep Learning
keyboard_arrow_up February 24 | Grupo Nabeiro's internationalization model and post-pandemic challenges
keyboard_arrow_up March 8 | Um mundo pós-confinamento e a economia portuguesa
keyboard_arrow_up April 19 | Achieving consumer well-being: what matters the most?
keyboard_arrow_up April 26 | Conformismo não joga com Ambição – A Sumol Compal em Moçambique
keyboard_arrow_up May 5 | Quando negociar, Quando lutar
keyboard_arrow_up June 2 | Partnerships and alliances for internationalization – Tecnimede Group's strategy