Program Description


The Online Academy: Get Your Career in Gear aims to equip professionals with fundamental skills for the proactive management of their performance and their career.

20+ workshops are planned and will be launched gradually in this Academy, covering the full spectrum of critical concepts and practices in this topic.

The following workshops will be offered starting September 2021:

Instructor: Rita Oliveira, HR Consultant specialized in Career Management

To strengthen your entry into the job market, it is essential to have basic tools prepared - such as a CV, cover/motivation letter and a properly updated LinkedIn profile. In an increasingly competitive market, it is important to stand out from other candidates, not only as an individual, but also as a potential new employee, allowing you to capture the attention of recruiters by being in the right place, at the right time and adequately prepared!

After this workshop, each Participant will be able to:

  1. Create or update their CV according to specific situations (spontaneous application, LinkedIn application, sending your CV to a Human Resources Consultant, personal networking, among others).
  2. Write an effective cover or motivation letter that accomplishes their goal.
  3. Build or update their LinkedIn profile according to their professional experience, adjusted to their goals.
  4. Expand their network of professional contacts and respond to a job opportunity on LinkedIn, concisely and effectively.

Instructor: Georgia Agoas, Human Resources Senior Advisor & Coach, Lead With People

In a world in constant change and with a wide array of paths to choose from, it is increasingly important to be aware of what our preferences and assets are, so that we can make the best decisions and lead our career onto the path to success. Using the MBTI framework, this workshop allows participants to get to know themselves better, so that they can recognize their strengths and thus better support their career decisions.

After this workshop, each Participant will be able to:

  1. Identify their preferences, assets and strengths.
  2. Define the critical aspects to take into account when building their career onto the path to success.
  3. Create and implement an action plan, and thus become a more well-rounded and competitive professional.

Instructor: Isabel Viegas, Faculty Member at CATÓLICA-LISBON and HR Advisor

A robust professional support network is one of the most critical assets for today's professionals, allowing privileged access to business or career opportunities, knowledge of specialized roles or industries, or critical information outside the public domain. In this workshop, participants will work on key skills and instruments to develop a differentiating professional support network.

After this workshop, each Participant will be able to:

  1. Identify what is and what isn’t networking.
  2. Apply behaviors and attitudes that facilitate networking, while avoiding those that don’t.
  3. Structure a professional support network, leveraging specific tools for doing so.

Instructor: Alexandra Barreto, Executive Director, CATÓLICA-LISBON

This is an increasingly critical topic in this day and age. Imagine that, due to various circumstances, you are going to abandon your previous career and look for an alternative. How can you use your past experience to your advantage? How can you position yourself in a new area that interests you, but for which you, apparently, might have no experience? This workshop aims to broaden your perspective to new horizons that, after all, may not be that difficult to reach.

After this workshop, each Participant will be able to:

  1. Think outside the box and discover opportunities that they hadn't considered before, or that they previously considered unattainable.
  2. Build a list of their transferable skills, and how to use them to their future benefit.
  3. Identify the areas that “make their eyes sparkle” and where, at the same time, their past experience adds value to.
  4. "Sell" their new "me".

Instructor: Ana Caetano, Coach & Senior HR Consultant, Inspire People

In various moments of our professional life, we feel satisfied, but with the feeling that we could be doing more or different. At other times, we find ourselves stagnant in our role and wonder what the next step should be. Sometimes, our career has followed a certain path due to the opportunities that have arisen and, when we stop to reflect, we don’t identify ourselves with what we are currently doing. Or, due to life circumstances, we took a professional break and, when we resumed our activity, we felt lost regarding where we should focus our energies. In each of these scenarios, the first step will be to visualize the future that we desire for ourselves. Based on the Vision Board methodology, and enriched with the use of photographs from the Participants' albums and/or taken by them, and explored using Photo Therapy techniques, this workshop aims to be a journey of discovery of all the elements that the Participant carries in their 'professional backpack', and of which are their strengths for the next step in their career.

After this workshop, each Participant will be able to:

  1. Build their Career Vision Board.
  2. Design their career vision for the future – options, perspectives, paths.
  3. Visually systematize what motivates and energizes them.
  4. Identify strengths and assets for the future.
  5. Create an action plan to implement their career vision.

Additional workshops will be launched gradually throughout the year.