More Information

Who can apply?

All students, from any nationality or educational system, who fulfill the mandatory requirements, according to one of the following conditions:

Application Formula

The Application Grade is calculated by using the following formula:

Application Grade

Recommended Grades
  • Secondary Education Average Grade 

Recommended: 80% or higher (16.0/20 in the Portuguese scale)
Minimum: 50% (10.00/20, without rounding, in the Portuguese scale)

  • Eligible Mathematics Exam Grade

Please be aware that the exam must have been taken in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025. 

Recommended: 80% or higher (16.0/20 in the Portuguese scale)
Minimum: 50% or higher (10.00/20, without rounding, in the Portuguese scale)

  • Second Entrance Exam Grade

Please be aware that the exam must have been taken in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025. 

Recommended: 80% or higher (16.0/20 in the Portuguese scale)
Minimum: 50% or higher (10.00/20, without rounding, in the Portuguese scale)

  • English Proficiency

Recommended: C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Minimum: B2 level according to CEFR

  • Personal Statement and Curriculum Vitae

Recommended: International Mindset and Background


To submit the Application, Applicants must fulfill all mandatory requirements. The academic performance is the factor we consider the most important, as it is the best indicator of your future success at the attendance of the International Undergraduate Program at CATÓLICA-LISBON.

We also take into consideration the applicant’s profile requirements, for instance, the English Proficiency, the Personal Statement and the Curriculum Vitae (CV) are 15% of the application formula.

keyboard_arrow_up Secondary Education Completion

Applicants can apply with predicted grades, before completing their Secondary Education. In this case, applicants have to present their Diploma Statement, signed by a Secondary Education Teacher or Counselor, and their official Transcript of Records with all grades up to the point when the student submits the application.

If you have any questions regarding the Diploma Statement please contact the Admissions Office.

Applicants must complete or prove they will complete Secondary Education by 31 August of the academic year.

Applicants who have completed Secondary Education Average Grade, must deliver a Certified Hard Copy of their Secondary Education Diploma and Certificate with Final Grade.

keyboard_arrow_up High-level Mathematics Exam

To apply to the International Undergraduate Programs at CATÓLICA-LISBON applicants must perform an eligible High-level Mathematics Exam. Please be aware that the exam must have been taken in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025. 

All exams in the list are considered eligible:





PORTUGAL  Exame Nacional de Matemática A
ANDORRA  Prova Oficial de Batxillerat (POB) Matematiques Cientificotecniques

Maths: General Mathematics

Maths: Mathematical Methods

Maths: Specialist Mathematics

AUSTRIA Mathematik – Matura 
BELGIUM  Mathematiques
CANADA  Advanced Functions
CAPE VERDE  Matemática PGI
FRANCE  Mathematiques, Ens. de Spécialité, Voie Générale (Terminale)
GERMANY Mathematik – Abitur 
INDIA  Mathematics
IRELAND  Mathematics HL
ISRAEL  Mathematics – Bagrut 
ITALY  Matematica – Maturità
LEBANON Mathématiques
LUXEMBOURG  Mathematique
NAMIBIA  Mathematics – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate
NEPAL Matemática — NEB (National Examinations Board)

Advanced Mathematics 

Matematikk R1 and/or R2 


Matemática Mate -Info 

Matemática - Real Natural Science

RUSSIA  Unified State Exam (Profile level)
SCOTLAND  SQA - Higher Mathematics
SLOVENIA Matematika —Splošna Matura/Mathematics —General Matura
SOUTH AFRICA  Mathematics 
SPAIN  Matemáticas II
Matemáticas Aplicadas a Las Ciencias Sociales II
SWITZERLAND  Mathématiques - Maturité Fédérale Suisse 
Mathématiques - Maturité Gymnasiale Suisse


• Section Mathématiques

• Section Sciences Expérimentales

• Section Sciences Techniques

• Section Sciences de L’informatique

UNITED KINGDOM  Mathematics: Further Pure 
Mathematics A Level 
USA  AP Calculus AB 
AP Calculus BC




Mathematics AS level
Mathematics – Further 
International Baccalaureate  Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL/ SL 
Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL
European Baccalaureate  Mathematics 3 Periods 
Mathematics 5 Periods
GCE Mathematics: Further Pure Mathematics A-Level


Other Examinations may be considered, pending submission and syllabi evaluation from the Admissions Jury. For further information, please contact the Admissions Office.


IMPORTANT: Certified Paper Version of the Certificate with the final grade/score of the Mathematics Exam must be permanently submitted to the Admissions Office.


Students under the International Student Status Regulation

Only applicants who are under the International Student Status Regulation and who cumullatively do not have an eligible Mathematics Exam can take CATÓLICA-LISBON's Mathematics Admissions Test. However, it is important that you contact us to see if you are eligible before you register to do the test.

Please be reminded that you must fill in the Declaration on Honor and include it in your application.

The Mathematics Admissions Test is an online exam and can be taken anywhere at any time of day. You can view the math topics covered in the exam here and after that you can register. The costs of the exam are not covered by CATÓLICA LISBON.

NOTE: You are allowed a maximum of two attempts. The results from a 3rd attempt will not be accepted. 

For the exam registration, click here and select "Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics" and then "International Bachelor in Business Administration" or "International Bachelor in Economics".

Exam Results
The minimum required grade for the math exam is 70%. Passing this Mathematics Admissions Test means that you fulfill the mathematics requirement, but it does not guarantee you a place in our International Undergraduate Programs.

The submission deadline is the 12th June 2025. Please be aware that it can take up to 5 working days before you receive the exam results, so plan the exam accordingly. When you have received the certificate you need to upload it in your Application Status Page.


Brazilian students can apply with ENEM – Matemática e suas Tecnologias with a minimum of 750/1000 points, as long as they are under the International Student Statute.

keyboard_arrow_up Second entrance exam


To apply to the International Undergraduate Programs at CATÓLICA-LISBON applicants must perform another eligible High-level  Exam. Please be aware that the exam must have been taken in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025. 

All exams in the list are considered eligible.


(04) Economia

(11) História

(09) Geografia

(06) Filosofia 

(07) Física e Química 

(13) Inglês

Andorra Prova Oficial de Batxillerat (POB) Filosofia
Australia Business Management 
Chile PAES Ciencias (Prueba de Acesso a la Educacion Superior)
Estonia Historia —Geografia do Gimnasyum Digital

Sciences Economiques et Sociales

Histoire et Geographie; Histoire - Geographie/Geopolitique et Sciences Politiques

Histoire et Geographie

Sciences Physiques et Chimie

Luxembourg Économie Politique Économie de Gestion Connaissances du Monde Contemporain
Nepal Physics + Chemistry-NEB (National Examinations Board)
South Africa

Business Economics or Business Studies

World Geography

Physical Sciences


Economia de la Empresa

Historia del Arte or Historia de Espanha

Historia de la Filosofia


Introduction à L’ Économie et Droit

Economia e Societá

História/Ciência Política


AP Microeconomics + AP Macroeconomics

AP World History: Modern or AP European History 

AP Physics 1: Algebra-based + AP Chemistry

AP English Literature and Composition

AP English Language and Composition

SAT: Reading and Writing




Cambridge Assessment International Education (A levels)


English Language and Literature or English Literature

GCE Business Studies
International Baccalaureate

Business and Management- SL/ HL

History of Africa and Middle East

History of the Americas

History of Asia and Oceania

History of Europe

English Language and Literature- SL/HL

English Literature – SL/HL


keyboard_arrow_up English Proficiency

The recommended English level to apply is C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

To fulfill the requirement applicants can either:

  • Have a waiver and thus fulfill the requirement automatically;
  • Provide an English Certificate (E.g: Aptis ESOL, CAE, IELTS or TOEFL);
  • Submit an alternative Certificate that shows proof of their English Proficiency to be analyzed by the Marketing & Admissions Office.



Applicants obtain a waiver if they:

  • are native English speakers;
  • are taught exclusively in English for at least one year during their Secondary Education;
  • submit a Certificate with the grade of the final English Exam of one of the following Secondary Education Diplomas:


Austria   Maturazeugnis
Belgium ASO (in the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium)
Denmark Studentereksamen 
Finland Ylioppilastuskintotodistus
France Option Internationale du Baccalaureate 
Germany Abitur 
Iceland  Studentprof 
Netherlands  VWO
Norway Vitnemal 
Sweden Slutbetyg 
Switzerland Maturität 


European Baccalaureate

English Level 1

English Level 2


English Certificate

If the applicant does not have a waiver, he/she must provide one of the following Certificates as proof of English Proficiency, before the start of the program: 


Recommended scores  

TOEFL 600 (PBT), 250 (CBT), or 100 (IBT) or higher 
IELTS    7.0, no subscore below 6.0
CAE C or higher 
Aptis ESOL B2 or higher


If an applicant does not comply with any of the above-mentioned Certificates and performed a different English examination, it may be taken to the consideration of the Admissions Jury. Applicants will find a field on the Application to submit this information. The Digital English Certificate must be submitted in the applicant’s Status Page until June 2025.

keyboard_arrow_up Personal Statement

The Personal Statement is the best way for the Admissions Jury to learn more about you and know why you decided to apply to the Program.

The Personal Statement should have a minimum of 350 and a maximum of 500 words (one Word sheet). In your Personal Statement tell us more about yourself, beyond your hobbies or current academic curriculum.


keyboard_arrow_up Curriculum Vitae

The Curriculum Vitae is very important for the Admissions Jury to learn more about all other activities that the student performed. You should include your academic and professional experiences, as well as volunteer activities, practiced sports, spoken languages and any other relevant activities and events you have participated in.

keyboard_arrow_up Interview

The Admissions Jury may request an Interview (15 minutes) as a complementary requirement. Interviews are a common practice but not mandatory, as they will be used to help us in evaluating in detail your application. The number of Interviews performed does not mean you will be at an advantage or disadvantage during the application process.


keyboard_arrow_up Elevator Pitch Video

Applicants are given the opportunity to submit a pitch video of maximum one minute to present themselves to the Admissions Jury. This is a mandatory requirement as it influences the applicant’s overall profile score.

The Admissions Jury does not expect applicants to deliver an Elevator Pitch Video with professional quality, however, students must ensure they have the right conditions to record it: good lighting, sound and a consistent background. More instructions about the Elevator Pitch Video are included in the Application. 

keyboard_arrow_up Final Documentation

Applicants must submit their Certificates with final grades in their Application Status Page until July 19th 2025

All original documentation must be delivered at the University Academic Services (0 Floor, in the Library Building) after classes start and until October 2025. Failure to submit the final documentation may result in exclusion of the student.

Mandatory Documentation

Students from Portuguese Schools:

- Secondary Education Certificate (Ficha ENES 2025)

Students from International Schools in Portugal:

- Secondary Education Certificate with grades

- Certificate of Equivalence that must have been previously requested to Direção-Geral da Educação*

- Mathematics Exam Certificate (if it is not included in your Secondary Education Certificate)

*If you don't receive the Equivalence Certificate from the Ministry of Education in Portugal until the deadline, please contact us as soon as possible by phone and notify us by email to

Students from International Schools in Foreign Countries:

- Secondary Education Certificate with grades with the Hague Apostille and Official Translation to English* by a sworn translator

- Mathematics Exam Certificate (if it is not included in your Secondary Education Certificate)

Important: in order to obtain the Hague Apostille you must contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your country.

Certificate of Equivalence that must have been previously requested to Direção-Geral da Educação

If you don't receive the Equivalence Certificate from the Ministry of Education in Portugal until the deadline, please contact us as soon as possible by phone and notify us by email to 

*The Ministry of Education in Portugal is going to need a Translation to Portuguese later in time for you to obtain the Certificate of Equivalence. Once you arrive to CATÓLICA-LISBON, you will have the guidance from the Student Experience/International Office who is going to help you with that process.

keyboard_arrow_up Check-list to apply
Step 1. Mandatory requirements

(1) conclude Secondary Education until August 31st 2024 or have already completed Secondary Education. 

(2) perform an eligible Mathematics Exam and obtain the final result between the August 31st 2022 and August 31st 2024.

(3) prepare a Personal Statement for this Application.

(4) update the Curriculum Vitae.

(5) fulfill the English requirement.

(6) record Elevator Pitch Video.

If the applicant ticks all the topics above, he/she may proceed to the next step. 


Step 2. Applicant Profile and starting the Application

Submit the application through our Online Application Platform. To do so, the applicant must first create a user profile. After creating their user profile, applicants may login to begin their application. Applicants will be allowed to make changes and save a draft version of their application until submitting the final version.


Step 3. Submitting Application

Throughout the Online Application, applicants will be required to provide personal and academic information. The academic documents have to be submitted depending on their current situation.

To conclude this step, applicants must attach all mandatory documents (PDF format with a maximum of 10MB). When students have reached their Review section of the Application, they will have a final opportunity to verify that all 12 documents are attached and ready to submit. Once completed the Review Step is completed, students may submit their application and move on to the next step.

Applicants who submit an application as current Secondary Education Students must submit the requested documentation, once they finish their Secondary Education.


Step 4. Payment of the Application Fee

After submitting the Online Application, students will have to insert their credit card details, as requested in their Application Status Page. Applicants will have 72 hours to pay the Application fee. If the payment is not received within 72 hours, the application will be archived and will no longer be considered. Students who ask for their application to be reassessed after the 72 hours must pay a 100% fee penalty.  


Step 5. Application Results 

After the Online Application is submitted and the Application Fee payment is confirmed, it will be validated by the Screening Committee and then be assessed by the Admissions Jury. In some cases, applicants may be asked to submit additional information. Applicants will obtain a formal response within 5 to 6 weeks after the end of the respective round.

After evaluating the application, the Admissions Jury is going to communicate the decision, notifying applicants with one of the following statuses:

- Conditional Admission

- Waiting List

- No offer

- Ineligible 


All applicants are going to be informed of the Admissions Jury’s decision and information on their status by email.

Results are given in 5-6 weeks after the rounds finish, by email. 


Conditional Offer Admission

Applicants receive a “Conditional Offer Admission” if the Admissions Jury considers that the application is strong enough for the student to be offered a spot at CATÓLICA-LISBON’s International Undergraduate Programs. Applicants will be notified by email of the conditional offer admission and respective conditional scholarship. To secure their place at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics applicants must pay the conditional offer admission within 72 hours.

Students applying with final grades are also going to receive a “conditional offer admission”, since the offer is conditional to the delivery of documentation. However, the offer is solid, since it is based on final grades.

After paying the conditional offer acceptance fee, the vacancy is secured.


Waiting List

Applicants receive a “Waiting List” notification if the Admissions Jury considers that the application is not strong enough for admission at that moment in time. That means that the Admissions Jury is going to notify the applicant on their decision in July, making sure that a place is being secured in case the applicant’s results are considered strong enough to be admitted at that moment in time.


If the student wishes to update the grades, namely with a higher grade in the Mathematics Exam and/or in the High School Diploma, the results must be promptly uploaded in the Application Status Page and an email must be sent to the Marketing & Admissions Office at notifying that new grades have been inserted. After the applicant submits the final results, the application will be reassessed, and the student will receive the official result in July/August. 


No Offer

Students who are notified with a “No Offer” notification are students who do not achieve the minimum application grade of 14,00/20 in the Portuguese grading scale. Students who wish to have their application reviewed must submit higher grades than the ones already submitted and send an email to, notifying that new updates were made to the application. 



Applicants receive an “Ineligible” notification if either the Mathematics Exam and/or the High School Education are considered ineligible. This means that one or more of the following requirements are not met:

a) The minimum required grade(s);

b) Mathematics Exam eligibility;

c) High School Diploma equivalence to the Portuguese high school system by the Ministry of Education in Portugal, which is a mandatory requirement to attend Higher Education in Portugal. It is highly recommended that students contact the Marketing & Admissions Office if they have any questions regarding their ineligibility. 


Official Results

Based on the students’ final results, CATÓLICA-LISBON is going to release the official results in July/August in two specific dates to be announced on Universidade Católica Portuguesa’s website and on Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics websites. The enrollment occurs right after the results’ publication date.

The following scenarios can occur:

a) If the grades correspond to the grades initially proposed, the conditional offer admission is going to become a definite admission. Applicants are then going to receive an email with the official admission to Católica Lisbon School of Lisbon & Economics, as well as more instructions on the enrollment procedure and welcome activities.

b) If the grades are higher than the ones initially proposed, the application grade will be reviewed accordingly, and a higher scholarship may be awarded. Applicants are then going to receive an email with the official admission to Católica Lisbon School of Lisbon & Economics, as well as more instructions on the enrollment procedure and welcome activities.

c) If the grades are lower, a reassessment will take place and the applicant may lose the scholarship or be retrieved the conditional offer admission.

Applicants are then going to receive an email with the official communication from Católica Lisbon School of Lisbon & Economics.

In case students are going to take an additional exam to improve their grades, they must contact the Marketing & Admissions Office and send upload those results in their Application Status Page, as a last chance reassessment will take place.  


Step 6. Enrollment

To enroll after accepting a Conditional Offer, the student must comply with the Grade and Documentation Requirements. The Conditional Offer means the student still needs to meet specific results and conditions.

At the time of Enrollment, the student will receive, by email, instructions to complete the following:

- Delivery of Final Secondary Education Certificate and High-Level Mathematics Certificate;

- Fill out the Enrollment form;

- Submit a digital version of their vaccination card;

- Payment of first monthly tuition fee.

The applicant must submit in the application platform all certified paper copies of his/her Secondary Education Certificate with grades (translated to Portuguese) and the Mathematics Examination certificate to conclude his/her Enrollment, as soon as they are available.

Enrollment will only be completed after the payment of the First Tuition Fee is confirmed by the Admissions Office.

Note that if the submitted documentation is considered ineligible, the student will not be able to attend the International Undergraduate Programs. 


Step 7. Welcome to CATÓLICA-LISBON

After the Enrollment process is completed, candidates are officially CATÓLICA LISBON students. At this time, they will receive important information regarding the Welcome Activities and their first day of classes. 



Should you wish to receive more information, please contact the Marketing & Admissions Office at