Organizational Behavior

6 ECTs / Semester / Inglês

This course will introduce students to the field of organizational behavior – an interdisciplinary field at the very core of management studies dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. We will examine organizations by looking at the behavior of individuals, groups, and organization-level phenomena, such as structure and culture. Through lectures, cases, class activities, and assignments, the course will engage students to reflect and apply organizational behavior concepts, theories, and practices to a variety of real-life organizational settings. Course projects and exercises are aimed at helping students develop skills of reading comprehension, critical reasoning, problem solving, and communication applied to work-related issues. The discipline is fundamental to preparing students for the complexities of their future work in business organizations.



Professor Auxiliar (Convidado)
Doutorada em Cognição Social pela Universidade de Lisboa, visiting student na UCL, em Londres e no MIT Media Lab, em Boston. A sua investigação principal…