Market Regulation - 4th Trimester 2021/22

3.5 ECTs / Trimester-Long Course / Inglês

This course provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of regulation in market economies. The problem is introduced with a discussion of the origins of regulation, according to the economic theories of regulation, both normative, based on the public interest approach, and positive, based on the influence of private interests in public decision making.

Analysis of current regulation in Europe is the core of the course. The main areas of regulation to be discussed are related to monopoly regulation and liberalization of network industries, consumer protection, regulation of digital multisided platforms and financial markets regulation. The analysis is extended to a discussion of the impact of globalization on the regulation concerning the privatization of regulation (standardization) and the development of transnational regulatory institutions (civil aviation, internet).

Prerequisites: Yes (see syllabus)


Professor Auxiliar
Administrador do ICP-Anacom – Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações desde 2012. Professor auxiliar da Universidade Católica Portuguesa onde leciona na…