Finance II

7.5 ECTs / Semester / Inglês

This course teaches Theory of Corporate Finance, which is the study of decision Company regarding the (i) investments (which projects to choose?) and (ii) funding (as get capital to finance such investment projects and what structure the resulting capital). Other elements investigated in this course are: (iii) the dividend policy (how to return to profit shareholders); how to prepare for possible (iv) mergers and acquisitions; and (v) manage risk associated with investments and financing; and if and when (vi) the firm must open their capital and have shares traded on a stock exchange.

Prerequisites: Finance I


Professor Auxiliar
Guilherme de Almeida e Brito é Diretor-Adjunto para Programas de Grau e Professor Auxiliar na mesma instituição. É doutorado em Finanças pela New York University…