October 19 – 21, 2023
Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal
Keynote Speakers:
Ricardo Reis
London School of Economics
Itzhak Gilboa
HEC, Paris and Reichman University
ASSET, the ASsociation of Southern-European Economic Theorists (ASsociation Soud-Européenne d’Economie Theoretique / ASociacion Sud-Europea de Economia Teorica), is a group of twenty one economics departments and economics research centres located in Cyprus, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. The purpose of the association is to encourage cooperation and exchange of researchers and ideas among the participating research institutions in the general field of analytical and quantitative economics and econometrics. To this end, ASSET organizes various scientific activities, in particular an annual meeting hosted by a different member institution each year. The scientific activities and meetings of ASSET are open to international scholars from all parts of the world.
Since 1986 ASSET organizes an annual meeting, which is an international conference, that currently brings together about 200-250 researchers. This conference is open to researchers not only from member and other institutions located in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, but also from institutions outside this area. ASSET makes a concerted effort to promote the participation of young researchers from its members institutions in its annual meeting. Through its annual meetings ASSET is gradually becoming a focal point in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region for scientific exchanges in all areas of economics.
ASSET 2023 will be hosted by the Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, between Thursday 19th and Saturday 21st October 2023.
Local Organizing Committee
Leonor Modesto
Catarina Reis
Pedro Raposo
Scientific Committee
Norma Olaizola
David Pérez Castrillo
Joel Sandonis
Thomas Seegmuller
Antonio Nicoló
Francesco Carli
Jaime Alonso
Ettore Panetti
Karine gente
Robert Becker
Cuong Le Van
Mario Pascoa
Xavier Raurich
Ana Elisa Pereira
Stéphane Bouché
Alain Venditti
Ricardo Nunes
Rodolfo Dos Santos Ferreira
Rui Castro
Diana Bonfim
Hugo Reis
Nic Kozeniauskas
László Tétényi
Leonor Modesto
Catarina Reis
Pedro Raposo
Teresa Lloyd Braga
Isabel Horta Correia
Pedro Teles
João César das Neves
Miguel Gouveia
Fátima Barros
Joana Silva
Anna Bernard
António Fidalgo
Geraldo Cerqueiro
José Faias
Mateus Dias