Fatima is an assistant professor in Finance. She is teaching Private Equity, Venture Capital, Financial Management, Financial Analysis, Financial Accounting, Financial Risk Management, Financial Planning, International Finance, Feasibility Study and Project Management, International Partnerships, Financial Mathematics, Corporate Strategy and Financial Information. She supervises dissertations at MSc.degree Her research topics are Private Equity, Venture Capital, Entrepreneurial Finance, Corporate Finance, Open Innovation, and Ambidexterity. She holds a Ph.D. degree from Paris Sud University on Venture Capital Investments with the French Qualification as “maître de conférences”. She is a certified expert in microfinance from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. She acts as a Microfinance Network trainer in the Middle East region for projects funded by the USAID program. Before that, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and a research fellow in HEC Paris at the Private Equity Observatory. She is also a lecturer at Paris Saclay University and a research member in Paris Est Creteil-IRG Laboratory. In her free time, she spends time with family and friends. She enjoys going for a walk or a hike in nature. She takes pleasure in listening to music. Her passion is working with students who are struggling academically.