Service Design Specialist and people-driven innovation enthusiastic. Currently, he is Service Design Lead at EY in Lisbon, where he leads projects with clients of different areas, and with a wide variety of contexts, challenges and opportunities to present value proposals of innovative services.

In Manchester, United Kingdom, he was Service Design Lead at Future Everything. There he worked in projects of Internet of Things and Smart Cities, Citizen Science and Social Innovation, with responsibility for Service Design approach and participatory methodologies. He also lived for 4 years in India, where he lectured Design for College Education.

He returned to Portugal in 2017 to join the founding team of LabX – Experimentation Lab of Public Administration, an Agency’s organic unit for Administrative Modernization – as a Service Designer Senior and helped improving the public services and the everyday life of government employees and portuguese citizens. He founded the Service Design Portugal platform and equally he was one of the founding members Portuguese chapter of the Service Design Network. He has been collaborating with different actors of the business and academic ecosystem to create capacity and specific skills in Design Services.

He has bachelor degree in Digital Arts, Post-graduated in Design Management and Mastered in Design Digital Experience.