She co-hosts the radio program “As 3 da manhã na Renascença” together with Joana Marques and Ana Galvão. With an experience of almost 30-years in radio broadcasting, she has been at the forefront of leading audience programs in Portugal, such as “Café da Manhã” or the talk show “Rocha no ar” at RFM. She is also a communication consultant, and collaborates with national and international companies, where she implements educational and training programs in this area. She founded her own company “Carla Rocha Comunicação” and the “Academia Fale Menos, Comunique Mais”, which is a 90-day individual training program in areas such as message organization, storytelling, speech fluency, business approach, accurate Portuguese, body posture and media training. She is the coordinator of the program Atletas Speakers, developed by the Portuguese Olympic Committee, where she teaches and guides olympic athletes, such as Telma Monteiro, Naide Gomes, João Rodrigues, Inês Henriques or even Rui Bragança, helping them to attract audiences with their presentations at schools or companies/businesses. She has an undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences, and a post-graduate degree in Marketing, Communication and Multimedia Management from Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão. She has participated in several conventions and intensive public speaking training programs from the National Speakers Association, in the USA (Philadelphia 2013, San Diego 2014, Washington 2015, Phoenix 2016 and Orlando 2017). Currently she collaborates with Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and has given training sessions and lectures in several universities nationwide. She is the author of the book “Fale menos, comunique mais – 10 estratégias para se tornar um grande comunicador”. (Talk less, communicate more – 10 strategies to help you become a great communicator). She wrote several articles on communication that were published in books and magazines of the most varied subject areas.