The Observatory of Portuguese Society of CATÓLICA-LISBON completed in November 2016 its fourth study that aimed to assess some variables and characteristics shared by members of the Portuguese Society.

This study, which was run next to 983 participants, assessed general indicators of happiness and satisfaction with life, position in society, health perception, loneliness and quality of life, trust in health system, and income and savings in members of the Portuguese Society.

In a similar vein to the results obtained in the last trimester of 2015, participants reported high levels of happiness (72%) and a large number of them indicate to be satisfied with life in general (68%). Regarding health perception, 81% of participants report having a good to excellent health, and most participants do not refer feeling lonely. Concerning trust in the National Health System (SNS), 93% of participants report that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that all Portuguese have access to health care and 89% of participants report being very interested in saving. This is a Católica Lisbon contribution to the civil and academic Society.

Further details on the results can be obtained here.

*only available in Portuguese