A master's degree is an expedition to the heart of knowledge, where the mind is challenged to explore new frontiers. On August 29th and 30th, more than 650 master's students from over 40 countries participated in an event that included speeches and activities, beginning with an inspiring address by Filipe Santos, Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON, who welcomed the newest members of this community.

Filipe Santos highlighted the three central pillars of the institution: rigorous knowledge, inspiring learning and social impact. He also emphasized the role of education in transforming information into action and how the school is committed to providing an innovative and meaningful learning environment.

Filipe Santos encouraged students to be proactive in seeking solutions, leveraging the knowledge, technology, and networks they will build at CATÓLICA-LISBON: "You know things and are connected in ways I couldn't have dreamed of 25 years ago when I started my master's. We now have direct access to global information, but information is not knowledge, you need to contextualize it and understand how to apply it to transform information into knowledge and into action. Our school and our community is rooted in a rigorous knowledge. Our faculty, 40% of whom are international, are among the best in the world in creating new knowledge in management, economics, and innovation. And among the other 60% of professors, who are Portuguese like me, we all have deep international careers."

Kyryl Lakishyk, Dean for Master Programs, also welcomed the new master's students at CATÓLICA-LISBON, beginning by comparing the educational journey to Gil Eanes' adventure in exploring Cape Bojador. In his speech, Kyryl emphasized that students are essential pieces of this adventure, comparing them to a crew of explorers. He stressed the importance of teamwork, cultural diversity, and personal interaction. Kyryl Lakishyk also highlighted the need to balance academic work with fun and to embrace the community's values: diversity, integrity, open-mindedness, and excellence.

The newly arrived master's students also had the opportunity to participate in activities organized by the Career Talent Office, which promoted interaction and communication among colleagues. In collaboration with the Mentes Empreendedoras (Entrepreneurial Minds), the activities ranged from team-building exercises, such as building bridges with simple materials (cardboard, paper, scissors, and tape), to debates and knowledge-sharing on socially relevant topics. The discussions included sustainability measures adopted in different countries and sensitive issues such as refugees and migration, which intensified debates due to the national diversity of the participants.

CATÓLICA-LISBON's efforts are recognized by its main protagonists: the students. John, a new master's student from the United States, comments: "I found the school's effort to promote collaboration and interaction among students before classes start excellent. I must admit that arriving alone was a bit intimidating, but now I feel like I'll leave here with many new friendships from different places."

Gabriella, also from the United States, reinforces this opinion by saying, "The three Inspiring Talks were my favorite part. Learning from them, especially since they were alumni of CATÓLICA-LISBON, hearing about their experiences, and realizing the connections we can make, along with the different job opportunities available, was very valuable."

Sean, another newly arrived master's student from the U.S., concludes: "As we begin the master's, we wonder what the experience will be like, how motivated we'll feel, and how much work we'll have. Hearing these successful people talk about their journeys really got me excited."

It’s clear among the new master's students that they understand the importance of community within the institution, where collaboration is valued more than competition, and mutual support will be essential in each one's educational and professional journey.

Welcome to the CATÓLICA-LISBON community.