On June 29th, Thursday, starting at 6 p.m., the 2023 Career Award will be presented to alumna Alexandra Machado and promoted by CATÓLICA-LISBON. The event will take place at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, at the Cardeal Medeiros Auditorium. Admission is free and open to the entire community, just register here.

Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics annually promotes the attribution of the "Career Award" intended to honor one of its Alumni who, in the course of their professional career, have distinguished themselves for their leadership, professionalism, ethics and value creation. The winner of the XIII edition of this Award is Alexandra Machado, who will now receive her award.

At 6:15 pm, the Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON, Filipe Santos, will deliver the opening session, followed by the presentation of the winner and her journey by the President of the Jury, Vasco de Mello, and the delivery of the 2023 Career Award to Alexandra Machado.

Around 6:50 p.m., attendees will be able to listen to a lecture by Professor and Economist Sérgio Rebelo, CATÓLICA-LISBON Alumnus and former Career Award winner, who will talk about "The Economy of the Future."

Isabel Capeloa Gil, Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, will close the session, and at 7:30p.m., there will. Be a Port of Honor to celebrate the impact of Alexandra Machado's career. Alexandra Machado was distinguished for her professionalism in management and leadership, as well as her positive impact on society, serving as an inspirational model for those who want to make a difference in the world.

For the jury, the final decision is fully in tune with the mission and values of the Career Award. Recall the jury for the XIII edition of the Career Award:

  • Vasco de Mello (Presidente)
  • Isabel Mota
  • Margarida Couto
  • Vítor Bento
  • Sérgio Rebelo

Admission is free and open to the entire community, just register here.

Review here the Profile of the big winner of the XIII edition of the Career Award.