Certain events remain in memory, not just because of the festive atmosphere, but for the unique and outstanding experience they offer. The Barbecue, organized by the CATÓLICA-LISBON Student's Union, stands out as a prime example. More than just a simple get-together with friends, this event has become a tradition and a significant milestone in the university journey, which, over the years, has expanded and achieved an exceptional reputation.
Going back to its beginnings, the Barbecue started in a humble way about 10 years ago. “At first, we only had 60 to 70 people. It was a laid-back gathering just for our college students,” recalls Miguel Tavares, president of the Student's Union. However, the event has evolved into something extraordinary, reaching more than 3,000 people at its last edition on May 4, 2023. "The Barbecue has expanded beyond just our college students; it's now an event for the entire city of Lisbon and its surroundings," Miguel states.

However, as expected, organizing such event is no easy task. Beyond financial and bureaucratic challenges, which led the Student's Union to think strategically about branding, publicity and partnerships, one of the biggest challenges is “having effective communication and reaching out our target audience in various innovative ways", points out Miguel. Yet, the students' commitment and dedication are evident. “We have a large team meticulously planning every detail. Everyone’s contribution is crucial to ensure that everything runs smoothly. It’s truly a cooperative effort,” he emphasizes.
In addition to the remarkable work of the Student's Union, another key to the Barbecue's continuing success lies in the traditions that have remained strong over the years. “Every edition, when the song ‘Pira nos Caipira’ plays, we toss hats into the crowd. We tried it once, and it became such a hit that it's now an essential part of the event. Just like our sparkling wine tradition. It’s to the tune of ‘Banho de chuva’ that we pop bottles for everyone,” Miguel highlights. These are essentially the two dynamics that are here to stay and are part of the historical narrative of this event. At the same time, they reinforce the uniqueness and distinction of the Barbecue among other student gatherings. “The Barbecue is truly one-of-a-kind. There's nothing else like it in Lisbon. It warms my heart when someone says to me, 'I’ve had some of my happiest moments at the CATÓLICA-LISBON Barbecue”, says Miguel proudly. This satisfaction reflects the commitment and passionate work of the Student's Union, which works tirelessly to ensure that each edition is a success.

As night approaches, students' hearts flutter with anticipation. The CATÓLICA-LISBON Barbecue is not just an event but a ritual that celebrates the union between different academic generations. Each edition not only honors past traditions, but also creates new memories, continuing to enrich the history of the university life. Capturing a collective feeling, Miguel shares that "these are the best years of our lives". With anticipation in his voice, he promises, "Tonight’s Barbecue won't just be special, it'll be unforgettable!" So, to everyone gearing up for another edition of the Barbecue, soak in every moment, as it will undoubtedly be a night to remember.