November 9, 2024, was a day of celebration for academia, faculty, students, and their families and friends. It marked the 2024 Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony at CATÓLICA-LISBON, a special occasion for all the national and international students who successfully completed another chapter in their lives.
At 10 a.m., the Carlos Lopes Pavilion in Lisbon opened its doors to welcome more than 200 young graduates. Eager to wear their academic gowns — a symbol of tradition, knowledge, and academic prestige — the graduates prepared for this solemn moment. The air was filled with anticipation as the grand academic procession began, signaled by the playing of the university anthem, Gaudeamus Igitur, to officially start the ceremony.

“Vivat academia! Vivant professores! Vivat membrum quodlibet! Vivant membra quaelibet!” (“Long live academia! Long live professors! Long live each student! Long live all students!”) sang in unison the members of the CATÓLICA-LISBON Big Band, the school’s first musical ensemble, under the direction of maestro Eduardo Lála. With that, the 2024 Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony was underway, featuring inspiring speeches from members of the faculty, alumni, and recent graduates.
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”, Oscar Wilde
“By choosing CATÓLICA-LISBON and our University for your academic education and by working tirelessly to successfully complete your course, you have taken a huge step toward building your future”, congratulated Filipe Santos, Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON.

Reflecting on the global context in which students are graduating—marked by financial crises, a pandemic, wars, and environmental challenges—Filipe Santos urged the Class of 2024 to apply their knowledge, skills, and values with purpose and consciousness. “In a quote often attributed to Oscar Wilde: «Be yourself; everyone else is already taken». Each of you is unique, with your own qualities, perspectives, and aspirations. Build your own path, grounded in solid values and a commitment to enhancing others’ well-being. That is the true source of purpose and meaning in life”, he concluded, offering this final piece of advice.
As he highlighted, the new graduates are now ambassadors of CATÓLICA-LISBON, joining a network of over 15,000 alumni, among them Gustavo dos Santos Lima, the featured Alumni speaker at the 2024 Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony.
A CATÓLICA-LISBON graduate in 2006, Gustavo dos Santos Lima has built an impressive international career, with roles at BCG, Portugal Telecom, Expedia, and currently, Google. He shared with the recent graduates his AI BCD’s model (AI – Adapt Fast, B – Brag Less, Work More, C – Control your Direction, D – Do Good), which he considers essential for a successful career. “Work with dedication, learn to face challenges, and trust that hard work pays off”, he encouraged.
Rita Coelho do Vale, Dean for Undergraduate Programs, also expressed her pride and joy in celebrating this academic milestone. “The diploma you receive today will stay with you forever and represents more than your academic achievements. It is also a testament to your commitment, resilience, and ability to face and overcome challenges. You should all be incredibly proud. Congratulations!”.

Before bidding farewell to the graduates, Rita Coelho do Vale dedicated special words to the families, reminding the young graduates that “you wouldn’t be here today without them”. Her remarks were met with warm applause, as the students, standing, expressed their gratitude to the hundreds of families present at the Carlos Lopes Pavilion. It was one of the day’s most moving moments.
Stories of Resilience, Perseverance, and Growth Shared by Undergraduate Representatives
Before the diplomas were presented, the international and national undergraduate representatives were invited to the stage to share words with their classmates, who had been like family over the past three years.
Nuno Pereira, from Namibia, representing international undergraduates and a graduate in Business Administration and Management, was warmly applauded by his peers as he took the stage. Inspired by the story of an alumnus he met in his first semester, Nuno shared a tale of resilience, perseverance, and growth.

“Once upon a time, two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second fought on, churning the cream into butter and eventually climbed out”, he recounted, using this parable to inspire his classmates. “Now, here we are with our diplomas in hand, and I believe we can all identify with that second mouse”, he reflected, highlighting the resilience of students who, like the second mouse, faced unique challenges along their journey. For Nuno, “the story isn’t just about resilience; it’s about perseverance and growth. It’s not just about what we achieved with this diploma but about who we’ve become along the way”. He reminded everyone that Lisbon was just the starting point, encouraging his peers to keep growing, guided by the values they’ve acquired, the courage, and the drive to keep moving forward. “And remember,” he concluded, “always be that second mouse”.
Rita Almeida, representing national undergraduate students and a graduate in Business Administration, brought emotion and deep reflection to her speech, reliving some of the memorable moments from their academic journey. Recalling their first day at CATÓLICA-LISBON, she highlighted the challenges and triumphs shared with her classmates, from academic demands to moments of celebration. “The diploma we receive today is more than proof of our academic performance; it is a testament to our commitment, resilience, and ability to overcome challenges”. Rita celebrated the friendships built and the values acquired, like responsibility and a commitment to excellence, which she believes will continue guiding their cohort throughout life. She concluded with an eye on the future: “Let today be not just an ending but the beginning of new stories, new challenges, and lives filled with success and happiness. Wherever the future takes us, we’ll always carry in our hearts the pride of being part of this family, CATÓLICA-LISBON”.
After the moving speeches from the undergraduate representatives, the highly anticipated moment arrived, calling each graduate to the stage to receive their diploma, previously blessed by Father Miguel. The atmosphere was charged with pride and emotion. One by one, the graduates stepped onto the stage, accompanied by the gentle melody of the piano, to receive their diplomas, greeted with warm applause. As they left the stage, they were welcomed into the open arms of family, friends, and peers, celebrating together the culmination of a journey filled with achievements.
Hector Reyes, Catarina Caldas, Clara Campelo, and Pedro Ferreira: Stories of Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success
For Hector Reyes, a native of California (USA), studying at CATÓLICA-LISBON was one of the best decisions of his life. A graduate with a Double Degree in Business Administration, he describes the opportunity as "incredible", highlighting the partnership between the business school and the University of San Diego, which allowed him to live in Portugal for two years. "I had never been to Portugal, didn’t know anything about the country, but I decided to take a chance and see what would happen", he recalls. Reflecting on what he gained from the experience, he emphasizes the impact of connecting with people from diverse backgrounds and engaging with Portuguese culture, which opened new horizons for him: "I realized how vast the world is, and it only inspired me to explore it further and grow along the way". For Hector, this adventure remains one of the highlights of his life, underscoring the importance of venturing into the unknown.
For Catarina Caldas, a graduate of the International Bachelor’s in Business Administration, her academic journey at CATÓLICA-LISBON was a demanding and rewarding path marked by continuous effort and dedication. "Sometimes, we see a bachelor’s degree as something guaranteed, something everyone has that seems obvious, but it shouldn’t be so normalized", Catarina reflected, noting that a degree is, in reality, the outcome of many late-night study sessions, challenges, and immense commitment. This moment of celebration represents the well-deserved recognition for all her hard work: "Finally, I did it. I’ve earned this, and getting here is my achievement". Over her three years, Catarina’s experience also included an Erasmus semester, adding an international dimension to her journey.
For Clara Campelo, a graduate of the International Bachelor’s in Economics and Finance, her time at CATÓLICA-LISBON was transformative, even though it hadn’t been her first choice. "CATÓLICA gave me everything I hoped for and much more", she shared, recalling how the warm welcome and integration activities during the first weeks helped her form lasting friendships and feel at home. Originally from Tomar and newly arrived in Lisbon, Clara highlighted the collaborative environment she found: "There was no competition; we were always supporting each other". Alongside friendships and knowledge, she carries with her the value of resilience, which she believes is essential for overcoming life’s challenges.
For Pedro Ferreira, a graduate of the national Bachelor’s in Economics, graduation day at CATÓLICA-LISBON symbolizes "the end of a chapter" filled with enriching experiences and friendships he plans to keep for life. With gratitude, he reflects on the connections he formed with both classmates and professors and the learning that shaped his journey. He highlights "integrity" as the core value he takes from the university, underscoring the importance of the values instilled in students by CATÓLICA-LISBON.
During the Graduation Ceremony, the CATÓLICA-LISBON’S Awards were presented, celebrating the excellence of both students and faculty. The honored categories included Citizenship, Democracy and Development, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos Award, and the Distinguished Teaching Awards.
The Citizenship Award recognized Gonçalo Patrão de Campos and Maria Xavier for their positive civic engagement and impactful contributions. Vasco Almeida, unable to receive his award last year due to his participation in a Double Degree program, was also honored in this category.
The Democracy and Development Award highlighted Marta Teles de Freitas and Maria Barreto Xavier for their outstanding academic achievements in the Bachelor’s programs in Business Administration and Economics, respectively.
The Caixa Geral de Depósitos Award, established in 2019, was presented to Maria do Carmo Rosa Osório, the top student in the international undergraduate programs, acknowledging her academic excellence.
In the Distinguished Teaching Awards, professors Mário Meira, António Fidalgo, Fátima Barros, João César das Neves, Sofia Pereira, Guilherme Neves, Fernando Santos Jorge, and Vicente Rico were recognized. This award honors their intellectual rigor and ability to foster an active and engaging learning environment. Graduates with top marks in the subjects taught by these professors presented the awards, as a gesture of recognition for their teaching excellence.
At last, a message of hope
After the diplomas and awards were presented, Peter Hanenberg, Vice-Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, took the stage to share a message of hope, focusing on three words: gratitude, hope, and congratulations. He expressed his gratitude to the graduates for choosing the University and acknowledged the indispensable support of their families and teachers. He encouraged them to keep their thirst for learning alive, reflecting on the historical contrasts of November 9th—the fall of the Berlin Wall and Kristallnacht. Citing Pope Francis, he challenged the graduates to turn adversity into hope, concluding with a call to bravery: “Let us not be managers of fear, but entrepreneurs of dreams”.
The graduation ceremony for the undergraduate programs was then officially closed. As in the beginning, the symbolic end was marked by the performance of Gaudeamus Igitur by the CATÓLICA-LISBON Big Band, which provided stirring musical accompaniments throughout the ceremony. It was a powerful conclusion to one chapter and the beginning of many for these graduates, now set out into the world with a spirit of equality, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that the future holds.