Portfolio Management

5 ECTs / Semester / English

This course was built to provide a hands on experience portfolio management through appropriate diversification, asset allocation and control risk, in view of the profile and objectives of the client. To achieve this objective, grounds on the functioning of the market, valuation of securities and are given risk assessment, giving access to information via the Bloomberg so that the students can simulate the management of a portfolio of international titles including shares, bonds and mutual funds, being given notions about instruments derivatives, including futures, for hedging. The class is divided into groups, and each group will take management decisions one session to another over the allocation by type of assets and the selection of the securities for investment, respecting the profile and goals of the customer. In the end, each group will present a report to the decisions investment and analyze the performance of the portfolio. A Portfolio Manager will invited to give a real perspective of his duties in his profession.

Prerequisites: Finance I
Exchange Students Prerequisite: Basic Finance


Director at Comissão de Mercado e Valores Mobiliários (CMVM).