Business Statistics - 2nd Trimester 2020/21

3.5 ECTs / Trimester-Long Course / English

In this course, we will explore the importance of statistics as a way of thinking quantitatively about the world. The course is based on the Model Comparison Approach and is focused on promoting the understanding of the fundamental statistical concepts of model, effect, effect size, test statistics and p-values. The course starts exploring the notions of variables, measurement levels of variables, and logic relation between variables, and then moves forward to explain how to carry out and interpret the most common statistical data analyses used in social sciences. The course uses R Studio as the data analysis software integrated with R Markdown for reporting the results. 

Prerequisites: None


Assistant Professor (Adjunct)
PhD in Social Psychology (ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), is a visiting assistant professor in FPUL and in CLSBE. Consultant in projects with major…