Partner Engagement

Founding Partners

Watch the video testimonials below.

2021-2023 Activity 

Learn & Share cases are the academic team's top priority and consist of the sistematization of company learnings, to catalyse knowledge share among different sectors. 

Case pool: Grupo Nabeiro, Sumol+Compal, Grupo Tecnimede, Gelpeixe, Riberalves, Sogrape, Critical TechWorks, CUF, Farfetch

Think Forward Meetings are integrated in the multisectorial Think Tank that annually gathers board members of companies with maturity in internationalization, to reflect on growth challenges and on procedural learnings.

Raise the Bar Projects promote prototypes of innovative solutions, in close collaboration with the partner companies, envisioning the publication of case studies.

At the end of 2023, we had three ongoing projects: one for corporate development when transitioning from the first to the second generation in a family business, another for collaboration among companies of the same sector to explore synergies in internationalization, and a third project for geographical and sectorial capacitation promoted by public entities.

Community Engagement

The Platform has some initiatives open to the ecosystem, which aim to reinforce knowledge about strategic management in topics related to sustainable internationalization, and promote collaboration among companies.

CEO Future Ready Academy

Joining this community entails participating in a 5-day executive program, targeted to C-Level functions. The initiative is developed in partnership with the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with Católica-Lisbon Executivos.

Watch below the video about the first edition of the CEO Academy: our learning journey.

Second edition expected during the 4th trimester of 2024 (applications are open here).

Follow us on LinkedIn to keep track of our news. 

Gen Z Academy

This community for entry-level positions has two goals:

Bring Erasmus students and graduates in Economics and Management closer to Portuguese companies with potential for international growth. 

Expose candidates that are graduates in scientific and technological areas to fundamental Management concepts.
Testimonials by participants

Conferences and Opinion Articles

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Academic Team