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Studies conducted by OSP

Full OSP study reports are available in Portuguese only. 

General indicators

To obtain an up-to-date and broad perspective of the factors that influence the lives of Portuguese people, Católica Lisbon- School of Business and Economics (CATÓLICA-LISBON) performs the OSP, a study which aims to investigate the Portugueses’ well-being and satisfaction with life. Data are collected every semester and pretend to offer a characterization of the Portuguese Society in General Indicators, which are repeated, and Specific Indicators, which vary according to current issues.

General indicators allow us to assess their evolution over time, perceiving stabilities and changes in themes that reflect characteristics and perceptions of the Portuguese reality.

Satisfaction with life is a subjective and global assessment that each person makes of the circumstances in which they live, at a given moment, considering them as negative or positive. It is one of the most important global indicators of well-being, in which happiness appears as a motivation for people to feel satisfied with life.

Participants are inquired about their satisfaction with life through the question "At this moment, what is your satisfaction with life in general?".

The general indicator Satisfaction with life in general is measured using a scale that varies between 0 and 10 points (with higher values indicating a greater presence of this characteristic).

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Happiness consists of a contentment and well-being state that depends on several biopsychosocial and environmental factors. It is a state of satisfaction in which a person feels happy, fulfilled, and, generally, without suffering. Happiness is therefore associated with a wide range of emotions and feelings.

Participants are inquired about their overall happiness through the question "Considering all aspects of your life, how happy do you feel right now?".

The general indicator of Global Happiness is evaluated by a scale that varies between 0 and 10 points (with higher values indicating a greater presence of the characteristic).

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Participants are inquired about how they consider their health through the question “In general, would you say your health is?”.

The general indicator of Health Perception is evaluated by a five-point response scale ranging from “poor” to “excellent”. 

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Participants are inquired about their quality of life through the question “How do you rate your quality of life?”.

The general indicator of Quality of Life is evaluated using a five-point response scale ranging from “very weak” to “very good”. 

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The economic confidence is calculated based on participants' assessments of the current and future state of economic conditions in Portugal.

First, participants are inquired about the current economic situation in the country, and their responses are measured using a scale ranging from 1 to 7 points (with higher values indicating a better assessment). Next, participants are inquired to consider whether economic conditions in Portugal will improve or deteriorate, and again the results are measured using a scale ranging from 1 to 7 points (with higher values indicating better assessment).

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