Don’t miss the opportunity to get together with your fellow Alumni and participate in the events the School organizes for you!

Class Reunions – back at your Alma Mater

The Class Reunions are an initiative which celebrates every 5th anniversary of the class graduation. It allows former students of CATÓLICA-LISBON to relive good memories, to catch-up and even to go back to the experience of sitting in a classroom, next to their classmates.

They are organised by the Class Ambassadors with the support of the Alumni Relations Office who offers the cocktail and helps with all the logistics. The program may vary depending on the Class.

Career Award

It is with great enthusiasm and pride that we inform our Alumni community that João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, Management alumnus (1982-88), was the great winner of the XIV Edition of the 2024 Career Award!

João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, the youngest of 3 siblings, married with 2 children, 59 years old, is the CEO and a member of the Executive Board of Banco BPI. Before being appointed CEO in November 2020, João Pedro Oliveira e Costa was responsible for the Personal 6 Corporate business areas and a member of BPI's Executive Committee.

With 30 years' experience at the BPI Group, now the CaixaBank Group, he led Private Banking and later the bank's Investment Centres, positions he held until 2014. He was a Non-Executive Director of Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal, and of Sociedade Gestora BPI (Suisse) until December 2020. He began his professional career in the financial sector, in asset management, at the BCP group.

Passionate about sport. A practitioner of various sports from a very young age, some of them as a federated player, he emphasises his love of rugby, golf and various water sports.

The jury's choice was unanimous: "João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, a person as discreet as he is dedicated to his convictions and social causes, has demonstrated throughout his long professional career that he is a charismatic leader and a reference name as CEO of one of Portugal's largest financial groups, with excellent results."

The award ceremony took place on June 19th at 6pm in the Cardeal de Medeiros Auditorium at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. The event included a lecture by our alumnus and renowned economist, Prof. Sérgio Rebelo.

The event, open to the Alumni and the entire Católica community was, as always, a truly inspiring tribute event!

keyboard_arrow_up This distinction has been awarded to the following Alumni:
keyboard_arrow_up 2006: Isabel Jonet

(Economics, 1977-1982) for her extraordinary work as head of the Food Bank Against Hunger;

keyboard_arrow_up 2007: Sérgio Rebelo
(Economics, 1976-1981), Professor of Finance at Kellogg School of Management in the US, for his brilliant academic career.
keyboard_arrow_up 2008: António Horta-Osório
(Business Administration and Management, 1981-1987), for his outstanding international career in the financial sector.
keyboard_arrow_up 2009: Carlos Melo Ribeiro
Business Administration and Management, 1972-1977) for his significant work as Managing Director of Siemens Portugal.
keyboard_arrow_up 2010: António Viana Baptista
(Economics, 1975-1980) for his distinguished international career in Telecommunications.
keyboard_arrow_up 2011: Alexandre Relvas and Filipe de Botton
(Business Administration and Management, 1976-1981) for their inspiring example as entrepreneurs and leaders at Logoplaste.
keyboard_arrow_up 2012: Miguel Villas-Boas
(Economics, 1979-1984) internationally recognized as a thought leader in the areas of Economics and Marketing.
keyboard_arrow_up 2013: Luís Palha
(Business Administration and Management, 1976-1981) for his brilliant and diversified professional career.
keyboard_arrow_up 2014: Joaquim Goes
(Business Administration and Management, 1983-1989) for his important professional career in Management.
keyboard_arrow_up 2016: Luís Amaral
(Business Administration and Management, 1979-1984), CEO and major shareholder of Eurocash, for his outstanding entrepreneurship and a highly successful professional career.
keyboard_arrow_up 2017: Fátima Barros
(Economics, 1980-1986), for her remarkable contribution in the development and internationalization process of CATÓLICA-LISBON and for her work as the first woman president of a regulatory body and of BEREC.
keyboard_arrow_up 2023: Alexandra Machado
(Management 1984-1990), "by the solidity and diversity of her brilliant career, having started in the Academy, spending more than 25 years in the corporate world where she played prominent positions at national and international level in various sectors. She embraced the social sector with enormous impact, which has distinguished and rewarded her worldwide. We consider that Alexandra Machado represents, unequivocally, the successful path that CATÓLICA-LISBON aspires for its Alumni, perfectly aligned with its mission", according to the jury.
keyboard_arrow_up Informations

Each year Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics presents the "Career Award" to honour one of its Alumni who has stood out throughout their professional career, in line with the principles transmitted during their academic journey. This recognition is based on criteria such as leadership, professionalism, ethics and social impact.

This initiative aims to recognise those who, after a consolidated career and over 45 years of age, have made a significant contribution to the the quality of operations within their companies and institutions. This contribution covers many aspects, benefiting investors, employees, other members of the business community and society in general. In doing so, these honorees also help enhance Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics' reputation for excellence.


keyboard_arrow_up Bidders

Candidates for the CATÓLICA-LISBON Career Award will be proposed by the Alumni of Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics.

keyboard_arrow_up Eligibility Criteria

Alumni of Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics who have completed a Bachelor's, Master's, Executive Master's (with degree) or CATÓLICA-LISBON MBA are eligible to receive the CATÓLICA-LISBON Career Award.

Employees of the School or previous winners of the Career Award are not eligible.

keyboard_arrow_up Nomination Process

The nomination of an Alumnus for the Career Award will be formalized by completing a form available on the CATÓLICA-LISBON website.

The form will be accessible online during the nominations phase.

keyboard_arrow_up Prize Jury

The Jury is selected annually and consists of a panel of independent personalities of recognized competence and reputability, with relevant experience in the business world, in academia and/or in the national or international economy.

For 2024, the Jury was constituted by:

- Vasco de Mello (President)

- Isabel Mota

- Margarida Couto

- Vítor Bento

- Sérgio Rebelo

The jury is responsible for analyzing the short-list of the 5 candidates with the highest number of nominations and deciding on the award attribution.

There will be no ranking of the remaining nominees.

keyboard_arrow_up Appraisal Criteria

The Jury will decide on awarding the Prize after analyzing the applications based on the respective “Curriculae” and recognized merits, establishing, at their discretion, internal weighting criteria that take into account factors such as: leadership, professionalism, ethics and social impact.

keyboard_arrow_up Dates

Nomination period: until April 30th, 2024

Jury decision: until May 20th, 2024

Award Ceremony: June 19th, 2024

keyboard_arrow_up Comunication

Annually, the opening period for nominations for the Career Award will be announced on the various communication channels used by CATÓLICA-LISBON.

keyboard_arrow_up Regulation