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Study of the Portuguese Society (July 2017)

Study of the Portuguese Society- Consumption and saving habits, economic confidence, life satisfaction and happiness (July 2017)

The Observatory of Portuguese Society of CATÓLICA-LISBON completed in July 2017 its seventh study that aimed to assess some variables and characteristics shared by members of the Portuguese Society.

This study, which was run next to 978 participants, assessed changes in consumption habits, saving habits, economic confidence, income and savings, as well as general levels of happiness and satisfaction with life, specific levels of satisfaction with life, health perception and quality of life, and position in society in members of the Portuguese Society.

The results on consumption and saving habits indicate that in general participants have not changed their consumption habits compared to 2016, are very interested in saving and have a positive level of saving habits. Regarding economic confidence, a greater proportion of participants assesses Portugal's current economic conditions as weak or very weak, compared to the proportion that rate it as good or excellent. Nevertheless, a greater proportion of participants report that the economic conditions in Portugal will improve, compared to the ones who think they will get worse. Globally, participants assess the economic conditions in Portugal more positively than negatively. Concerning general indicators of happiness and satisfaction with life, measured transversally between October 2015 and July 2017, results indicate a positive and satisfactory level of global happiness and satisfaction with life in members of the Portuguese society. However, there is a stagnation in the evolution of these indicators. This is a CATÓLICA-LISBON contribution to the civil and academic Society.

Unfortunately, the studies are only available in Portuguese. Please contact us in case you need some more detailed information (E-mail: and Tel.: (+351) 217 214 122).

View the study in detail*:

*only available in Portuguese:

Aggregated report General Indicators: Happiness and Satisfaction with Life Specific Indicators: Changes in Consumption Habits, Saving Habits and Economic Confidence
Income and Savings Specific Indicators: Satisfaction with Life Specific Indicators: Health Perception
Specific Indicators: Quality of Life Specific Indicators: Position in Society Sample Characterization