Mentoring Program

Created in 2007, this program contributes to the personal, academic and professional development of Bachelor and Master students, through "one-to-one" contact with a CATÓLICA-LISBON Alumni - their Mentor. This is a collaborative and sharing relationship that offers enormous mutual benefits.

Key Program Figures

Do you want to join?

We hope so!

Learn about the benefits of the Mentoring Program and read the FAQs to clarify any doubts.


  • Opportunity for personal, academic, and professional development
  • Support in identifying and achieving goals
  • One-to-one support in your decisions during your undergraduate or master's degree
  • Learn more about market trends, career options, and opportunities
  • Increase and develop your network
  • Proximity to the job market
  • Have an experience of self-discovery: the Mentor helps the mentee to "discover his/her wisdom". 



1. Who is the Mentoring Program for?

CATÓLICA-LISBON students, Bachelor's or Master's students, who apply annually to the program.

2. Who are the Mentors?
  • CATÓLICA-LISBON Alumni with at least 7 years of professional experience
  • Experienced across diverse sectors (Financial, FMCG, Consulting, Energy, Software, etc.) and various fields (Marketing, Innovation, Finance, Commercial, Entrepreneurship, etc.), working both in Portugal and internationally
  • Alumni willing to guide and support young people in their development, helping them define their path, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals
  • Open to active listening and constructive feedback
  • Alumni eager to shape the next generation and support CATÓLICA-LISBON
3. Length - Commitment

Length: 7 months

From November 2024 to May 2025.

In October, Mentors (M) and mentees (m) are paired up. In November, both parties are informed of their M&m match. At the conclusion of each edition, a survey is conducted, allowing M&m to renew their availability and enthusiasm to continue the program.

Note: In the 1st year of the Bachelor's, the program starts in the 2nd semester and will last 4 months.

4. How is the matching done?

The key to the program's success lies in the care and commitment put into matching Mentors and mentees, considering their individual profiles, goals, areas of interest and even - when possible - personality.

5. Relationship Mentor & mentee: M&m
  • The Match - The mentee will receive the Mentor's contact details and get in touch with him/her to arrange the first meeting;
  • Each M&m pair is expected to meet - in person or online - every 6-7 weeks. This relationship lasts for a minimum of 7 months (November to May) but can continue in the following years if both parties wish to do so.


CATÓLICA-LISBON cannot guarantee that all applicants will be matched with a Mentor. The number of students who can participate in the Mentoring Program depends on the availability of Mentors each year. Preference is given to senior master/bachelor students. All students will be informed about the status of their application.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join the 2024/25 Mentoring Program!

Apply now!

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